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23rd May 2010, 09:04 | #1 | Link |
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How to denoise/despot old cartoon footage?
I've an TV capture from late 80's encoded with Xvid as AVI.
Here is a short sample: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gtzldnmdxjg/sample.avi I don't know how to get rid of all that spots, tried MCTemporalDenoise like this: Code:
# Initialize variable with path to my A/V tools avdir=GetSystemEnv("PROGRAMFILES")+"\AVTools\" # Load all the plugins that will be used in the script Import(avdir + "plugins\MCTemporalDenoise.v1.4.16.avsi") # MCTemporalDenoise (v1.4.16) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\mvtools2.dll") # MVTools (v2.5.10) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\mt_masktools-25.dll") # Masktools (v2.0a42) Import(avdir + "plugins\LSFmod.v1.9.avsi") # LSFmod (v1.9) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\FFT3DFilter.dll") # FFT3Dfilter (v2.1.1) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\TTempSmooth.dll") # TTempsmooth (v0.9.4) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\RemoveGrainSSE2.dll") # Removegrain (v1.0PR) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\RepairSSE2.dll") # Repair (v1.0PR) # Deblock (v1.2) # Deblock_QED (18.aug.2008) # DctFilter (v0.0.1.4) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\EEDI2.dll") # EEDI2 (v0.9.2) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\SangNom.dll") # Sangnom (v1.0beta) Import(avdir + "plugins\GradFun2DBmod.v1.5.avsi") # GradFun2DBmod (v1.5) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\gradfun2db.dll") # Gradfun2db (v1.0) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\AddGrainC.dll") # AddgrainC (v1.4) # Open source video clip AVISource("D:\SOURCE\sample.avi",audio=false) untouched=last MCTemporalDenoise(settings="high") StackHorizontal(untouched,last) Is there any filter available which would erase that kind of noise? I'd noticed that all spots occur just in one frame so I think it could be fairly easy to somehow remove them going by temporal approach, or am I thinking wrong? All other filters that I've tried (UnDot, DeGrainMedian, DeSpot) enable to tune mostly spatial parameters like sizes, thresholds, distances with use of motion compensation but I couldn't get satisfactory results with any of them. Please advice |
25th May 2010, 11:45 | #5 | Link |
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The task of spot removal has not been solved yet. The name of the game is "choose your poison" : There are lots of possibilities to try, but still, there is no solution. You can only choose between different compromises:
a) Less spot removal with only little damage to original content, -or- b) more spot removal with more damage to original content. Choose your poison. I could write you a survey about the plentitude of different problems ... would take me two hours, take up two/three/four pages of text, and at the end the conclusion still would be the same: "no solution, only compromises. Choose your poison." Quick headlines: - no motion compensation: weak approach, in motion areas it's either ineffective or dangerous - with motion compensation: theoretically much better, but ... the spots will mislead the motion engine upon deciding if a compensation is "good" or "bad". The larger the spots, the bigger the problem. - Temporal averaging: in theory it's the "wrong" approach. A spot will get averaged into clean neighbor frames. Also a spot will not be removed, just cut-down in intensity. To be effective, it needs LOTS of temporal neighbors to consider, which in turn is a problem in other aspects. - temporal median: in theory the "method of choice" for spot removal - does clean removal of spots, no spreading into neighbor frames, needs only a small temporal neighborhood. However, IF something goes wrong (from the side of MVTools in the first place), then it will produce artifacts more worse than those of temporal averaging.
- We´re at the beginning of the end of mankind´s childhood - My little flickr gallery. (Yes indeed, I do have hobbies other than digital video!) |
25th May 2010, 11:56 | #6 | Link |
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has anyone some experience with:
http://spotremoverfilter.com/ |
25th May 2010, 12:00 | #7 | Link |
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Me not. But if it has to be despite all problems, then a deeper look into kassandro's RemoveDirt is worthwile, and recommended.
- We´re at the beginning of the end of mankind´s childhood - My little flickr gallery. (Yes indeed, I do have hobbies other than digital video!) |
25th May 2010, 12:30 | #9 | Link |
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Dunno ... the dup's might help to some extend, but they're not frequent enough that you could rely on them.
For what it's worth, here is a possible primitive for spot removal: Code:
AviSource("D:\sample_spotty.avi") o=last ox=o.width() oy=o.height() osup = o.MSuper(pel=2,sharp=2) bv1 = osup.MAnalyse(isb=true, delta=1,blksize=8,overlap=4,search=4) fv1 = osup.MAnalyse(isb=false,delta=1,blksize=8,overlap=4,search=4) bc1 = o.MCompensate(osup,bv1) fc1 = o.MCompensate(osup,fv1) Interleave(fc1,o,bc1) MedianblurT(0,0,0,1) # you can also use "Clense(reduceflicker=false)" instead SelectEvery(3,1) StackHorizontal(o,last)
- We´re at the beginning of the end of mankind´s childhood - My little flickr gallery. (Yes indeed, I do have hobbies other than digital video!) |
2nd June 2010, 20:40 | #10 | Link |
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Thank you very much Didée, your approach did wonders to my source. I had to replace MedianBlurT with Clense (hopefully you mentioned that as well) because the encoding process kept crashing at the very end. First I thought that it's x264 latest revision to blame (r1613) but the error persisted even with r1538. Once I found the offending part in this filter chain and replaced it the encoding finished always fine.
Here is my complete script, I tried to smooth big uniformly coloured areas (sky, water surface) even more with FFT3DFilter but didn't see any effect really so in the end I left it out completely. Code:
# Open source video clip AVISource("D:\SOURCE\Family-Ness\Rodina Nessovcov.avi",audio=false).Trim(0,7599) # Initialize variable with path to my A/V tools avdir=GetSystemEnv("PROGRAMFILES")+"\AVTools\" # Load all the plugins that will be used in the script LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\mvtools2.dll") # MVTools (v2.5.10) #~ LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\FFT3DFilter.dll") # FFT3Dfilter (v2.1.1) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\aWarpSharp.dll") # aWarpSharp (2009.06.19) #~ LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\medianblur.dll") # MedianBlur (v0.84) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\DePan.dll") # DePan (v1.10.1) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\DePanEstimate.dll") # DePanEstimate (v1.9.2) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\RepairSSE2.dll") # Repair (v1.0PR) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\RemoveGrainSSE2.dll") # RemoveGrain (v1.0PR) LoadPlugin(avdir + "plugins\RemoveGrainTSSE2.dll") # RemoveGrainT (v1.0PR) Import(avdir + "plugins\Stab.avsi") # Stabilize script (v1.0) # remove single-frame spots o=last osup = o.MSuper(pel=2,sharp=2) bv1 = osup.MAnalyse(isb=true, delta=1,blksize=8,overlap=4,search=4) fv1 = osup.MAnalyse(isb=false,delta=1,blksize=8,overlap=4,search=4) bc1 = o.MCompensate(osup,bv1) fc1 = o.MCompensate(osup,fv1) Interleave(fc1,o,bc1) #~ MedianblurT(0,0,0,1) # you can also use "Clense(reduceflicker=false)" instead Clense() SelectEvery(3,1) # stabilize subtle shaking of whole image Stab(8,10,10) # crop and resize Crop(8,2,-0,-0).Spline36Resize(640,480) #~ FFT3DFilter(plane=3, bt=3, sigma=3, bw=16, bh=16, ow=8, oh=8) # denoise chroma aWarpSharp2(thresh=160, blur=3, type=0, depth=16, chroma=4) # sharpen the image, make it crisp and less blurry #~ StackHorizontal(o,last) |
2nd June 2010, 20:51 | #11 | Link | |
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Author's example screens looked promising though |
22nd July 2017, 17:55 | #12 | Link |
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I have made Didée's idea to remove spots:
# Function KillerSpots 3.1 # For primitive videos (live action/animation) # Function for spot removal # Original idea by Didée (https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1402690#post1402690) # Developed by GMJCZP # With adaptation of johnmeyer's revision of RemoveDirt function # (See RemoveDirt documentation and Film restoration script by videoFred) # Requirements: MVTools, RGTools, RemoveDirt Function KillerSpots(clip o, int "limit", bool "advanced",bool "anim", int "repmode", bool "comp") { advanced = Default(advanced, true) # best performance, otherwise is the original Didée's idea (for live action is better) comp = Default(comp, false) # for compare results # Options for advanced = true: limit = Default(limit, 10) # spot removal limit. Higher values, more killing spots but can hurt details anim = Default(anim, true) # for animated content, otherwise is live action repmode = Default(repmode, 2) # repair mode for preserve details: repmode=1 for classic Repair, repmode=2 for temporal repair # Temporal repair is more safe (limit values can be more highs) but more spots can reappear Assert((repmode == 1 || repmode == 2), "repmode error, values of 1 or 2 are only admitted") # Didée's idea (if advanced=false, with direct Clense method for killing spots) osup = o.MSuper(pel=2,sharp=2) bv1 = osup.MAnalyse(isb=true, delta=1,blksize=8,overlap=4,search=4) fv1 = osup.MAnalyse(isb=false,delta=1,blksize=8,overlap=4,search=4) bc1 = o.MCompensate(osup,bv1) fc1 = o.MCompensate(osup,fv1) Interleave(fc1,o,bc1) advanced ? RemoveDirtMod(limit,anim,repmode) : Clense() SelectEvery(3,1) comp ? StackHorizontal(o,last) : last } # From function RemoveDirt, original adaptation thanks to johnmeyer Function RemoveDirtMod(clip input, int "limit", bool "anim", int "repmode") { d = anim ? 1 : 3 dm = anim ? 1 : 2 pt = anim ? 4 : 6 ct = anim ? 6 : 8 clensed = input.Clense() alt = input.RemoveGrain(dm) restore = (repmode==2) ? TemporalRepair(clensed, input, mode=4) : Repair(clensed, input, mode=16) return RestoreMotionBlocks(clensed,restore,alternative=alt,neighbour=input,pthreshold=pt,cthreshold=ct, gmthreshold=40, \ dist=d,dmode=dm,debug=false,noise=limit,noisy=12) } Last edited by GMJCZP; 24th December 2021 at 13:18. Reason: Update to version 3.1 (added anim and repmode) |
26th July 2017, 08:49 | #13 | Link |
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It seems to work well. Thanks a lot. Might I suggest a name change? When I'm looking to use a spot remover and I'm going down my list of functions. 'Primitive' just doesn't jump out as a spot remover. Since 'RemoveSpots' and 'RemoveDirt' are already taken, then how about 'SpotRemover'? Or maybe you can suggest a different but still relevant name? CrudBeGone. SpotEx. CleanUp. DirtClean. Your choice.
Yeah, I know. I can just change it myself. But it's your filter (and Didée's). Last edited by manono; 26th July 2017 at 08:51. |
26th July 2017, 12:07 | #14 | Link |
HeartlessS Usurer
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Just had something jump into my head, hows bout "SpotLess()" ?
EDIT: From my pop-up dictionary, "Completely neat and clean".
I sometimes post sober. StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace "Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ??? Last edited by StainlessS; 26th July 2017 at 12:31. |
26th July 2017, 13:20 | #15 | Link | |
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manono, I named it because Didée used that expression and I wanted to respect it, in addition the "primitive" videos have these characteristics. Let's do one thing, I'll modify the name for another one I had already thought of, but in the description I'll put some of this, lol. PD: TinMan, I hope this function is always SpotLess ;-) Last edited by GMJCZP; 26th July 2017 at 13:26. |
2nd August 2017, 05:21 | #20 | Link |
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Now to the function KillerSpots I have added a "advanced" mode, which produces better performance (at least I noticed in a test video) and also makes the function more configurable when defining a "limit" parameter, which by the way Is totally equivalent to the parameter present in the RemoveDirtMC function developed by johnmeyer.
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