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Old 17th February 2020, 22:03   #1  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
StainlessS's Avatar
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Posts: 10,980
ResizeMin - 17 Feb 2020

ResizeMin.avs, Avs v2.58/v2.60 + GScript, OR AVS+

#ResizerMin.avs : Script to show minimum allowed Resizer Upsize Source, or DownSize Destination, clip size.

# Req RT_Stats v1.43+, AVS+ OR GScript, DebugView[google].

##########   CONFIG  ################
TST_SRC     = True    # True, test Upsize source minimum, else Downsize dest minimum.
DO_258_ONLY = True    # If true, test ONLY avs v2.58 ColorSpaces/Resizers




SzEnd=(DO_258_ONLY || !Is26) ? 10 : 11
CsEnd=(DO_258_ONLY || !Is26) ? 4 : (!IsPlus) ? 8 : 18
myName="ResizerMin: "
RT_DebugF("\n%s\nMinimum Resizer %s clip size\n",VersionString,(TST_SRC)?"Upsize Source":"Downsize Dest",name=myName)

    For(Sz=1,SzEnd) {
        Sizer = SIZERS.RT_TxtGetLine(Sz)
        RT_DebugF("%d/%d] SIZER='%sResize'",Sz,SzEnd,Sizer,name=myName)
        For(csi=1,CsEnd) {
            XMod=CSP.X_CsXMod    ValidW=-1
            for(W=XMod,XMod*100,XMod) {
                if(TST_SRC) { # Upsize Src Width
                    try { Eval(Sizer+"Resize(256,256)") ValidW=W W=XMod*1000}  # W=XMod*1000 == Break
                    catch (msg) {}
                } Else {      # Downsize Dest Width
                    try { Eval(Sizer+"Resize("+String(W,"%.0f")+",480)") ValidW=W  W=XMod*1000 }
                    catch (msg) {}
            YMod=CSP.X_CsYMod    ValidH=-1
            for(H=YMod,YMod*100,YMod) {
                if(TST_SRC) { # Upsize Src Height
                    try { Eval(Sizer+"Resize(256,256)") ValidH=H H=YMod*1000}
                    catch (msg) {}
                } Else {      # Downsize Dest Height
                    try { Eval(Sizer+"Resize(640,"+String(H,"%.0f")+")") ValidH=H  H=YMod*1000 }
                    catch (msg) {}
            RT_DebugF("    %8s %d,%d",CSP,ValidW,ValidH,name=myName)
            CHKW = X_MinResize(Sizer,CSP,Wid=True, Src=TST_SRC)
            CHKH = X_MinResize(Sizer,CSP,Wid=False,Src=TST_SRC)
            Assert(CHKW==ValidW && CHKH==ValidH,RT_string("Error: RSZ=%s CSP=%s %d,%d CHK= %d,%d",Sizer,CSP,ValidW,ValidH,CHKW,CHKH))  # CHECK X_MinResize() returns correct numbers

Return MessageClip("Done")

Function GScriptExists()     { Return RT_FunctionExist("GScript")}
# Below, No Requirements
Function IsAvs26()           { VersionNumber>=2.6}
Function IsAvsNeo()          { FindStr(VersionString," Neo")!=0}
Function IsAvsPlus()         { FindStr(VersionString,"AviSynth+")!=0||IsAvsNeo}
### AVS version agnostic functions
Function X_YMod(clip c)      { c IsAvsPlus ? (NumComponents==1||IsRGB?1:Height/ExtractU.Height):(IsYV12 ?2:1) } # Y Min crop multiple for Progressive
Function X_XMod(clip c)      { c IsAvsPlus ? (NumComponents==1||IsRGB?1:Width/ExtractU.Width):IsAvs26?(IsYV411?4:IsYUY2||IsYV16||IsYV12?2:1):(IsRGB?1:2)} # X Min crop multiple
Function X_CsXMod(Val CSP)   { (CSP.IsClip)?CSP:(CSP.IsString)?Blankclip(Length=1,Width=16,height=16,Pixel_type=CSP):Assert(False,"X_CsXMod: CSP Clip or Pixel_Type string ONLY") Return X_XMod }
Function X_CsYMod(Val CSP)   { (CSP.IsClip)?CSP:(CSP.IsString)?Blankclip(Length=1,Width=16,height=16,Pixel_type=CSP):Assert(False,"X_CsYMod: CSP Clip or Pixel_Type string ONLY") Return X_YMod }

Function X_MinResize(String Resizer,Val CSP,Bool "Wid",Bool "Src",Int "Taps") { # Minimum required Width or Height, Source or Dest, for Resizer and Colorspace, CSP can be Clip or String eg "RGB32"
    S=Resizer.UCase I=FindStr(S,"RESIZE") S=(I==0) ? S : S.LeftStr(I-1) # Can use eg Resizer either "BiLinearResize or just BiLinear"
    Assert(0 <= IX <= (IsAvs26?10:9), "X_MinResize: No such Resizer filter (" + S + "Resize)")
    defT=Select(Ix, 0,-1,-2,-2,-3,-4,-4,-4,3,4,4)
    Wid=Default(Wid,True)   # True = Inquire Width, else Height
    Src=Default(Src,True)   # True = Inquire Upscale Src, else DownScale Dest
    Assert(defT>0 || !Taps.Defined,"X_MinResize: "+S+"RESIZE Does not have a Taps arg")
    Taps=(defT>0) ? Default(Taps,defT) : Abs(defT)
    Assert(CSP.IsClip || CSP.IsString,"X_MinResize: CSP clip or Pixel_Type string ONLY")
    Return (Wid) ? (Taps+1) * CSP.X_CsXMod : (IsAvs26) ? (Taps+1) * CSP.X_CsYMod
        \ : (Src) ?  (Taps+1) * 2 : Max((Taps+1)*2,4) # Fix for v2.58 Peculiarities
EDIT: Updated. Now Configurable Upsize src min, or downsize dest min.

EDIT: These can be used alone
# Below, No Requirements
Function IsAvs26()           { VersionNumber>=2.6}
Function IsAvsNeo()          { FindStr(VersionString," Neo")!=0}
Function IsAvsPlus()         { FindStr(VersionString,"AviSynth+")!=0||IsAvsNeo}
### AVS version agnostic functions
Function X_YMod(clip c)      { c IsAvsPlus ? (NumComponents==1||IsRGB?1:Height/ExtractU.Height):(IsYV12 ?2:1) } # Y Min crop multiple for Progressive
Function X_XMod(clip c)      { c IsAvsPlus ? (NumComponents==1||IsRGB?1:Width/ExtractU.Width):IsAvs26?(IsYV411?4:IsYUY2||IsYV16||IsYV12?2:1):(IsRGB?1:2)} # X Min crop multiple
Function X_CsXMod(Val CSP)   { (CSP.IsClip)?CSP:(CSP.IsString)?Blankclip(Length=1,Width=16,height=16,Pixel_type=CSP):Assert(False,"X_CsXMod: CSP Clip or Pixel_Type string ONLY") Return X_XMod }
Function X_CsYMod(Val CSP)   { (CSP.IsClip)?CSP:(CSP.IsString)?Blankclip(Length=1,Width=16,height=16,Pixel_type=CSP):Assert(False,"X_CsYMod: CSP Clip or Pixel_Type string ONLY") Return X_YMod }

Function X_MinResize(String Resizer,Val CSP,Bool "Wid",Bool "Src",Int "Taps") { # Minimum required Width or Height, Source or Dest, for Resizer and Colorspace, CSP can be Clip or String eg "RGB32"
    S=Resizer.UCase I=FindStr(S,"RESIZE") S=(I==0) ? S : S.LeftStr(I-1) # Can use eg Resizer either "BiLinearResize or just BiLinear"
    Assert(0 <= IX <= (IsAvs26?10:9), "X_MinResize: No such Resizer filter (" + S + "Resize)")
    defT=Select(Ix, 0,-1,-2,-2,-3,-4,-4,-4,3,4,4)
    Wid=Default(Wid,True)   # True = Inquire Width, else Height
    Src=Default(Src,True)   # True = Inquire Upscale Src, else DownScale Dest
    Assert(defT>0 || !Taps.Defined,"X_MinResize: "+S+"RESIZE Does not have a Taps arg")
    Taps=(defT>0) ? Default(Taps,defT) : Abs(defT)
    Assert(CSP.IsClip || CSP.IsString,"X_MinResize: CSP clip or Pixel_Type string ONLY")
    Return (Wid) ? (Taps+1) * CSP.X_CsXMod : (IsAvs26) ? (Taps+1) * CSP.X_CsYMod
        \ : (Src) ?  (Taps+1) * 2 : Max((Taps+1)*2,4) # Fix for v2.58 Peculiarities
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 19th February 2020 at 01:09. Reason: Update
StainlessS is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 17th February 2020, 22:03   #2  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Posts: 10,980
Output for v2.58
Upsize Src min
 AviSynth 2.58, build:Dec 22 2008 [08:46:51]
 Minimum Resizer Upsize Source clip size

 1/10] SIZER='PointResize'
        RGB24 1,2
        RGB32 1,2
         YUY2 2,2
         YV12 2,2
 2/10] SIZER='BilinearResize'
        RGB24 2,4
        RGB32 2,4
         YUY2 4,4
         YV12 4,4
 3/10] SIZER='BicubicResize'
        RGB24 3,6
        RGB32 3,6
         YUY2 6,6
         YV12 6,6
 4/10] SIZER='Spline16Resize'
        RGB24 3,6
        RGB32 3,6
         YUY2 6,6
         YV12 6,6
 5/10] SIZER='Spline36Resize'
        RGB24 4,8
        RGB32 4,8
         YUY2 8,8
         YV12 8,8
 6/10] SIZER='Spline64Resize'
        RGB24 5,10
        RGB32 5,10
         YUY2 10,10
         YV12 10,10
 7/10] SIZER='GaussResize'
        RGB24 5,10
        RGB32 5,10
         YUY2 10,10
         YV12 10,10
 8/10] SIZER='Lanczos4Resize'
        RGB24 5,10
        RGB32 5,10
         YUY2 10,10
         YV12 10,10
 9/10] SIZER='LanczosResize'
        RGB24 4,8
        RGB32 4,8
         YUY2 8,8
         YV12 8,8
 10/10] SIZER='BlackmanResize'
        RGB24 5,10
        RGB32 5,10
         YUY2 10,10
         YV12 10,10
Downsize Dest min
 AviSynth 2.58, build:Dec 22 2008 [08:46:51]
 Minimum Resizer Downsize Dest clip size

 1/10] SIZER='PointResize'
        RGB24 1,4
        RGB32 1,4
         YUY2 2,4
         YV12 2,4
 2/10] SIZER='BilinearResize'
        RGB24 2,4
        RGB32 2,4
         YUY2 4,4
         YV12 4,4
 3/10] SIZER='BicubicResize'
        RGB24 3,6
        RGB32 3,6
         YUY2 6,6
         YV12 6,6
 4/10] SIZER='Spline16Resize'
        RGB24 3,6
        RGB32 3,6
         YUY2 6,6
         YV12 6,6
 5/10] SIZER='Spline36Resize'
        RGB24 4,8
        RGB32 4,8
         YUY2 8,8
         YV12 8,8
 6/10] SIZER='Spline64Resize'
        RGB24 5,10
        RGB32 5,10
         YUY2 10,10
         YV12 10,10
 7/10] SIZER='GaussResize'
        RGB24 5,10
        RGB32 5,10
         YUY2 10,10
         YV12 10,10
 8/10] SIZER='Lanczos4Resize'
        RGB24 5,10
        RGB32 5,10
         YUY2 10,10
         YV12 10,10
 9/10] SIZER='LanczosResize'
        RGB24 4,8
        RGB32 4,8
         YUY2 8,8
         YV12 8,8
 10/10] SIZER='BlackmanResize'
        RGB24 5,10
        RGB32 5,10
         YUY2 10,10
         YV12 10,10
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 19th February 2020 at 00:15. Reason: Update
StainlessS is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 17th February 2020, 22:04   #3  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
StainlessS's Avatar
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Location: Over the rainbow
Posts: 10,980
Output for Avs+ v3.5.0(currently a test dll)

Upsize Src min
 AviSynth+ 3.5 (r2947, master, i386)
 Minimum Resizer Upsize Source clip size

 1/10] SIZER='PointResize'
        RGB24 1,1
        RGB32 1,1
         YUY2 2,1
         YV12 2,2
 2/10] SIZER='BilinearResize'
        RGB24 2,2
        RGB32 2,2
         YUY2 4,2
         YV12 4,4
 3/10] SIZER='BicubicResize'
        RGB24 3,3
        RGB32 3,3
         YUY2 6,3
         YV12 6,6
 4/10] SIZER='Spline16Resize'
        RGB24 3,3
        RGB32 3,3
         YUY2 6,3
         YV12 6,6
 5/10] SIZER='Spline36Resize'
        RGB24 4,4
        RGB32 4,4
         YUY2 8,4
         YV12 8,8
 6/10] SIZER='Spline64Resize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
 7/10] SIZER='GaussResize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
 8/10] SIZER='Lanczos4Resize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
 9/10] SIZER='LanczosResize'
        RGB24 4,4
        RGB32 4,4
         YUY2 8,4
         YV12 8,8
 10/10] SIZER='BlackmanResize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
Downsize dest min
 AviSynth+ 3.5 (r2947, master, i386)
 Minimum Resizer Downsize Dest clip size

 1/10] SIZER='PointResize'
        RGB24 1,1
        RGB32 1,1
         YUY2 2,1
         YV12 2,2
 2/10] SIZER='BilinearResize'
        RGB24 2,2
        RGB32 2,2
         YUY2 4,2
         YV12 4,4
 3/10] SIZER='BicubicResize'
        RGB24 3,3
        RGB32 3,3
         YUY2 6,3
         YV12 6,6
 4/10] SIZER='Spline16Resize'
        RGB24 3,3
        RGB32 3,3
         YUY2 6,3
         YV12 6,6
 5/10] SIZER='Spline36Resize'
        RGB24 4,4
        RGB32 4,4
         YUY2 8,4
         YV12 8,8
 6/10] SIZER='Spline64Resize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
 7/10] SIZER='GaussResize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
 8/10] SIZER='Lanczos4Resize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
 9/10] SIZER='LanczosResize'
        RGB24 4,4
        RGB32 4,4
         YUY2 8,4
         YV12 8,8
 10/10] SIZER='BlackmanResize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
Full Avs+ colorspaces(8 bit only, hbd will be same), showing Minimum Resizer Upsize Source clip size ONLY, Min Downsize dest min will be same.
[Avs v2.60 Std will be same for below valid 2.60 colorspaces]
 AviSynth+ 3.5 (r2947, master, i386)
 Minimum Resizer Upsize Source clip size

 1/11] SIZER='PointResize'
        RGB24 1,1
        RGB32 1,1
         YUY2 2,1
         YV12 2,2
         YV16 2,1
         YV24 1,1
           Y8 1,1
        YV411 4,1
        RGB48 1,1
        RGB64 1,1
        RGBP8 1,1
       RGBAP8 1,1
     YUV420P8 2,2
     YUV422P8 2,1
     YUV444P8 1,1
     YUVA420P8 2,2
     YUVA422P8 2,1
     YUVA444P8 1,1
 2/11] SIZER='BilinearResize'
        RGB24 2,2
        RGB32 2,2
         YUY2 4,2
         YV12 4,4
         YV16 4,2
         YV24 2,2
           Y8 2,2
        YV411 8,2
        RGB48 2,2
        RGB64 2,2
        RGBP8 2,2
       RGBAP8 2,2
     YUV420P8 4,4
     YUV422P8 4,2
     YUV444P8 2,2
     YUVA420P8 4,4
     YUVA422P8 4,2
     YUVA444P8 2,2
 3/11] SIZER='BicubicResize'
        RGB24 3,3
        RGB32 3,3
         YUY2 6,3
         YV12 6,6
         YV16 6,3
         YV24 3,3
           Y8 3,3
        YV411 12,3
        RGB48 3,3
        RGB64 3,3
        RGBP8 3,3
       RGBAP8 3,3
     YUV420P8 6,6
     YUV422P8 6,3
     YUV444P8 3,3
     YUVA420P8 6,6
     YUVA422P8 6,3
     YUVA444P8 3,3
 4/11] SIZER='Spline16Resize'
        RGB24 3,3
        RGB32 3,3
         YUY2 6,3
         YV12 6,6
         YV16 6,3
         YV24 3,3
           Y8 3,3
        YV411 12,3
        RGB48 3,3
        RGB64 3,3
        RGBP8 3,3
       RGBAP8 3,3
     YUV420P8 6,6
     YUV422P8 6,3
     YUV444P8 3,3
     YUVA420P8 6,6
     YUVA422P8 6,3
     YUVA444P8 3,3
 5/11] SIZER='Spline36Resize'
        RGB24 4,4
        RGB32 4,4
         YUY2 8,4
         YV12 8,8
         YV16 8,4
         YV24 4,4
           Y8 4,4
        YV411 16,4
        RGB48 4,4
        RGB64 4,4
        RGBP8 4,4
       RGBAP8 4,4
     YUV420P8 8,8
     YUV422P8 8,4
     YUV444P8 4,4
     YUVA420P8 8,8
     YUVA422P8 8,4
     YUVA444P8 4,4
 6/11] SIZER='Spline64Resize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
         YV16 10,5
         YV24 5,5
           Y8 5,5
        YV411 20,5
        RGB48 5,5
        RGB64 5,5
        RGBP8 5,5
       RGBAP8 5,5
     YUV420P8 10,10
     YUV422P8 10,5
     YUV444P8 5,5
     YUVA420P8 10,10
     YUVA422P8 10,5
     YUVA444P8 5,5
 7/11] SIZER='GaussResize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
         YV16 10,5
         YV24 5,5
           Y8 5,5
        YV411 20,5
        RGB48 5,5
        RGB64 5,5
        RGBP8 5,5
       RGBAP8 5,5
     YUV420P8 10,10
     YUV422P8 10,5
     YUV444P8 5,5
     YUVA420P8 10,10
     YUVA422P8 10,5
     YUVA444P8 5,5
 8/11] SIZER='Lanczos4Resize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
         YV16 10,5
         YV24 5,5
           Y8 5,5
        YV411 20,5
        RGB48 5,5
        RGB64 5,5
        RGBP8 5,5
       RGBAP8 5,5
     YUV420P8 10,10
     YUV422P8 10,5
     YUV444P8 5,5
     YUVA420P8 10,10
     YUVA422P8 10,5
     YUVA444P8 5,5
 9/11] SIZER='LanczosResize'
        RGB24 4,4
        RGB32 4,4
         YUY2 8,4
         YV12 8,8
         YV16 8,4
         YV24 4,4
           Y8 4,4
        YV411 16,4
        RGB48 4,4
        RGB64 4,4
        RGBP8 4,4
       RGBAP8 4,4
     YUV420P8 8,8
     YUV422P8 8,4
     YUV444P8 4,4
     YUVA420P8 8,8
     YUVA422P8 8,4
     YUVA444P8 4,4
 10/11] SIZER='BlackmanResize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
         YV16 10,5
         YV24 5,5
           Y8 5,5
        YV411 20,5
        RGB48 5,5
        RGB64 5,5
        RGBP8 5,5
       RGBAP8 5,5
     YUV420P8 10,10
     YUV422P8 10,5
     YUV444P8 5,5
     YUVA420P8 10,10
     YUVA422P8 10,5
     YUVA444P8 5,5
 11/11] SIZER='sincResize'
        RGB24 5,5
        RGB32 5,5
         YUY2 10,5
         YV12 10,10
         YV16 10,5
         YV24 5,5
           Y8 5,5
        YV411 20,5
        RGB48 5,5
        RGB64 5,5
        RGBP8 5,5
       RGBAP8 5,5
     YUV420P8 10,10
     YUV422P8 10,5
     YUV444P8 5,5
     YUVA420P8 10,10
     YUVA422P8 10,5
     YUVA444P8 5,5
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 19th February 2020 at 01:01. Reason: Update
StainlessS is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 17th February 2020, 22:05   #4  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
StainlessS's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Over the rainbow
Posts: 10,980
Machine Combined, showing where different requirements [for Height]
For avs v2.60/Avs+, both Upsize_Src min and Downsize_Dest min sizes are the same.
Only v2.58 colorspaces shown below.
                                       MINIMUM RESIZER CLIP SIZE

                      UPSIZE SOURCE                                  DOWNSIZE DEST

         Avs v2.60/Avs+      :     Avs v2.58      :     Avs v2.60/Avs+     :    Avs v2.58
 1/10] SIZER='PointResize'
        RGB24  1, 1                 1, 2 ***      :        1, 1                  1, 4 ***
        RGB32  1, 1                 1, 2 ***      :        1, 1                  1, 4 ***
         YUY2  2, 1                 2, 2 ***      :        2, 1                  2, 4 ***
         YV12  2, 2                 2, 2          :        2, 2                  2, 4 ***
 2/10] SIZER='BilinearResize'
        RGB24  2, 2                 2, 4 ***      :        2, 2                  2, 4 ***
        RGB32  2, 2                 2, 4 ***      :        2, 2                  2, 4 ***
         YUY2  4, 2                 4, 4 ***      :        4, 2                  4, 4 ***
         YV12  4, 4                 4, 4          :        4, 4                  4, 4
 3/10] SIZER='BicubicResize'
        RGB24  3, 3                 3, 6 ***      :        3, 3                  3, 6 ***
        RGB32  3, 3                 3, 6 ***      :        3, 3                  3, 6 ***
         YUY2  6, 3                 6, 6 ***      :        6, 3                  6, 6 ***
         YV12  6, 6                 6, 6          :        6, 6                  6, 6
 4/10] SIZER='Spline16Resize'
        RGB24  3, 3                 3, 6 ***      :        3, 3                  3, 6 ***
        RGB32  3, 3                 3, 6 ***      :        3, 3                  3, 6 ***
         YUY2  6, 3                 6, 6 ***      :        6, 3                  6, 6 ***
         YV12  6, 6                 6, 6          :        6, 6                  6, 6
 5/10] SIZER='Spline36Resize'
        RGB24  4, 4                 4, 8 ***      :        4, 4                  4, 8 ***
        RGB32  4, 4                 4, 8 ***      :        4, 4                  4, 8 ***
         YUY2  8, 4                 8, 8 ***      :        8, 4                  8, 8 ***
         YV12  8, 8                 8, 8          :        8, 8                  8, 8
 6/10] SIZER='Spline64Resize'
        RGB24  5, 5                 5,10 ***      :        5, 5                  5,10 ***
        RGB32  5, 5                 5,10 ***      :        5, 5                  5,10 ***
         YUY2 10, 5                10,10 ***      :       10, 5                 10,10 ***
         YV12 10,10                10,10          :       10,10                 10,10
 7/10] SIZER='GaussResize'
        RGB24  5, 5                 5,10 ***      :        5, 5                  5,10 ***
        RGB32  5, 5                 5,10 ***      :        5, 5                  5,10 ***
         YUY2 10, 5                10,10 ***      :       10, 5                 10,10 ***
         YV12 10,10                10,10          :       10,10                 10,10
 8/10] SIZER='Lanczos4Resize'
        RGB24  5, 5                 5,10 ***      :        5, 5                  5,10 ***
        RGB32  5, 5                 5,10 ***      :        5, 5                  5,10 ***
         YUY2 10, 5                10,10 ***      :       10, 5                 10,10 ***
         YV12 10,10                10,10          :       10,10                 10,10
 9/10] SIZER='LanczosResize'
        RGB24  4, 4                 4, 8 ***      :        4, 4                  4, 8 ***
        RGB32  4, 4                 4, 8 ***      :        4, 4                  4, 8 ***
         YUY2  8, 4                 8, 8 ***      :        8, 4                  8, 8 ***
         YV12  8, 8                 8, 8          :        8, 8                  8, 8
 10/10] SIZER='BlackmanResize'
        RGB24  5, 5                 5,10 ***      :        5, 5                  5,10 ***
        RGB32  5, 5                 5,10 ***      :        5, 5                  5,10 ***
         YUY2 10, 5                10,10 ***      :       10, 5                 10,10 ***
         YV12 10,10                10,10          :       10,10                 10,10
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 19th February 2020 at 00:33. Reason: Update
StainlessS is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 19th February 2020, 00:21   #5  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Posts: 10,980
Post #1 update to single script for Min Upsize Src, or Min Downsize dest [Renamed to ResizeMin.avs].
All previously remaining posts updated, remainder removed, (Cleanup).

These functions can be used separately
[EDIT: X_MinResize() intended only where full size source clip is being resized, ie no account taken for Src_left, Src_Top etc args.]

EDIT: No requirements.
Function IsAvs26()           { VersionNumber>=2.6}
Function IsAvsNeo()          { FindStr(VersionString," Neo")!=0}
Function IsAvsPlus()         { FindStr(VersionString,"AviSynth+")!=0||IsAvsNeo}
### AVS version agnostic functions
Function X_YMod(clip c)      { c IsAvsPlus ? (NumComponents==1||IsRGB?1:Height/ExtractU.Height):(IsYV12 ?2:1) } # Y Min crop multiple for Progressive
Function X_XMod(clip c)      { c IsAvsPlus ? (NumComponents==1||IsRGB?1:Width/ExtractU.Width):IsAvs26?(IsYV411?4:IsYUY2||IsYV16||IsYV12?2:1):(IsRGB?1:2)} # X Min crop multiple
Function X_CsXMod(Val CSP)   { (CSP.IsClip)?CSP:(CSP.IsString)?Blankclip(Length=1,Width=16,height=16,Pixel_type=CSP):Assert(False,"X_CsXMod: CSP Clip or Pixel_Type string ONLY") Return X_XMod }
Function X_CsYMod(Val CSP)   { (CSP.IsClip)?CSP:(CSP.IsString)?Blankclip(Length=1,Width=16,height=16,Pixel_type=CSP):Assert(False,"X_CsYMod: CSP Clip or Pixel_Type string ONLY") Return X_YMod }

Function X_MinResize(String Resizer,Val CSP,Bool "Wid",Bool "Src",Int "Taps") { # Minimum required Width or Height, Source or Dest, for Resizer and Colorspace, CSP can be Clip or String eg "RGB32"
    S=Resizer.UCase I=FindStr(S,"RESIZE") S=(I==0) ? S : S.LeftStr(I-1) # Can use eg Resizer either "BiLinearResize or just BiLinear"
    Assert(0 <= IX <= (IsAvs26?10:9), "X_MinResize: No such Resizer filter (" + S + "Resize)")
    defT=Select(Ix, 0,-1,-2,-2,-3,-4,-4,-4,3,4,4)
    Wid=Default(Wid,True)   # True = Inquire Width, else Height
    Src=Default(Src,True)   # True = Inquire Upscale Src, else DownScale Dest
    Assert(defT>0 || !Taps.Defined,"X_MinResize: "+S+"RESIZE Does not have a Taps arg")
    Taps=(defT>0) ? Default(Taps,defT) : Abs(defT)
    Assert(CSP.IsClip || CSP.IsString,"X_MinResize: CSP clip or Pixel_Type string ONLY")
    Return (Wid) ? (Taps+1) * CSP.X_CsXMod : (IsAvs26) ? (Taps+1) * CSP.X_CsYMod
        \ : (Src) ?  (Taps+1) * 2 : Max((Taps+1)*2,4) # Fix for v2.58 Peculiarities
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 19th February 2020 at 00:43.
StainlessS is offline   Reply With Quote

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