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Old 4th June 2012, 16:39   #15201  |  Link
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Originally Posted by HiQ123 View Post
A question to jdoobs:

I read in the Frequently Asked Questions thread about AUTO_BIAS=n the following:

"You replace the "n" with one of 3 values: 0, 1, or 2. "0" tells the quality selection to have a bias toward speed, "1" (the default) balances speed and quality, and "2" tells the quality selection algorithim to have a bias toward higher quality."

But in the HIDDENOPTS file it says: n = 0-3 - Def=1, Auto Qual bias, 0=high speed, 1=normal, 2=high quality, 3=highest qual

Can I use 3? What is the difference between 2 and 3 (quality and speed)?
Those values change the thresholds in which BD-RB makes decisions within "Automatic" quality settings. It doesn't change any settings specifically, only the points at which BD-RB decides it needs to increase quality settings. "3" is a legal value, I'll update the docs.
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Old 5th June 2012, 19:40   #15202  |  Link
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BD Rebuilder v0.40.10 (beta)

I have updated the first post of this thread with a link to an updated release of BD-RB (v0.40.10). Changes for this release:
- Corrected an issue related to unusual MPLS files
  that could result in "SourceCheck() 00006 2501" at
  program startup or during scanning.
- Corrected an error in which under very unusual and
  rare circumstances the bitrate can be calculated
  as a negative number.  This could result in encode
- Made several improvements to increase speed and
  provide greater resilience.
- Added a new hidden option "OVERWRITE_PROMPT".  If
  set to "0", BD-RB will not prompt for overwrite
  when the output folder already exists.  Instead it
  will rename the output folder.
- Updated the included version of X264.EXE to the
  latest release (r2200).
- Updated the included version of X264-64.EXE to 
  the latest release (r2200).
- Other minor corrections and cosmetic fixes.
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Old 5th June 2012, 19:59   #15203  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
Hmmm... not sure how that could happen. It looks like it gets close to the target size with the first CRF, and does one more tweak before encoding -- which for some reason swings it way off-kilter. I'll take a look at it.
Did you have a chance to look into this?
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Old 5th June 2012, 20:12   #15204  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Sharc View Post
Did you have a chance to look into this?
Not yet. I'm still constrained by other work. I looked at it quickly and didn't find anything. I'll work on it for the next release.
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Old 6th June 2012, 06:15   #15205  |  Link
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You're awesome Jdobbs. Thanks a lot!
Only one rooster, need be in the hen house...
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Old 6th June 2012, 14:46   #15206  |  Link
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@ jdobbs: RE: BD-RB (v0.40.10). - Corrected an issue related to unusual MPLS files
that could result in "SourceCheck() 00006 2501" at program startup or during scanning.

I just tried the Hannibal Rising BD (Momentum Import All Region A-B-C title) that previously had the Source Check Error. It now throws up a Source Check () 00006 2503, Selected source is not BD Format. This disk is weird enough that it has a 25MB 11 second m2ts thats added in front of the 2:10:00 minute m2ts. If I try to create a BD folder with Clown it plays ok except that the runtime shows up as 13:10:00 and has a hard time changing chapters, it completely crashes TMT5 when FF or chapter skip but it does play. The resulting Clown BD that is created throws up the same not BD format error that the original Hannibal folder does. I finally had to extrract the streams and create a new BD of this disk to run through BD_RB. thanks again for the hard work you do on this great program. worknstiff

Last edited by worknstiff; 6th June 2012 at 15:01.
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Old 6th June 2012, 16:27   #15207  |  Link
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Originally Posted by worknstiff View Post
@ jdobbs: RE: BD-RB (v0.40.10). - Corrected an issue related to unusual MPLS files
that could result in "SourceCheck() 00006 2501" at program startup or during scanning.

I just tried the Hannibal Rising BD (Momentum Import All Region A-B-C title) that previously had the Source Check Error. It now throws up a Source Check () 00006 2503, Selected source is not BD Format. This disk is weird enough that it has a 25MB 11 second m2ts thats added in front of the 2:10:00 minute m2ts. If I try to create a BD folder with Clown it plays ok except that the runtime shows up as 13:10:00 and has a hard time changing chapters, it completely crashes TMT5 when FF or chapter skip but it does play. The resulting Clown BD that is created throws up the same not BD format error that the original Hannibal folder does. I finally had to extrract the streams and create a new BD of this disk to run through BD_RB. thanks again for the hard work you do on this great program. worknstiff
Hmmm... I tried to find that disc online... I only see Region A/1 and B/2 versions available at Amazon. Can you point me to a place where I can get the problem disc?
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Old 6th June 2012, 18:58   #15208  |  Link
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Sorry about that, It is just listed as region B/2 on Amazon but on the back of the case it's listed as ABC. Here is the product listed on Amazon Hannibal Rising (Uncut Edition) . (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...ls_o03_s00_i00)
Hope this helps, worknstiff
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Old 6th June 2012, 21:18   #15209  |  Link
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Can anyone tell me Please?

I have attached below the specs of the BD-R disks I am using and I have 2 questions.

1) I have set BD Rebuilder to a custom output size of 23866mb (23.32gb), and imgburn is set to make an ISO at the end of the conversion process, I frequently get images that are too big to fit on one of the disks though, so I have tried to complete the process by manually burning to disk, IMGburn still tells me the filesize is too big for the disk. What is the actual CUSTOM SIZE I should be using with BDRebuilder (23866 is obviously too big)?

2) The disks are obviously capable of burning at 8x according to imgburn but the packaging says they are rated at 4x - which is correct?

Disk specs follow obtained via DVDinfo pro

HL-DT-ST BD-RE BH10LS30 1.01 (ATA)
Current Profile: BD-R

Disc Information:
Status: Empty
State of Last Session: Empty
Erasable: No
Free Sectors: 12,219,392
Free Space: 25,025,314,816 bytes
Free Time: 2715:27:17 (MM:SS:FF)
Next Writable Address: 0
Supported Write Speeds: 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x

Disc Definition Structure:
Certified: No
Scanned: No
Manufacturers Name: HL-DT-ST
Additional ID: BD-RE BH10LS30
Serial Number: K9GA28B2634

BD Disc Information:
Disc ID: PHILIP-R04-000
Disc Type: BD-R
Disc Size: 120mm
Disc Class: 0
Disc Version: 1
Number of Layers: 1
Layer Type: Writable
DVD Layer Present: No
CD Layer Present: No
Channel Bit Length: 74.50nm (25GB Per Layer)
Push-Pull Polarity: Positive
Recorded Mark Polarity: HTL
BCA Present: Yes
Maximum Transfer Rate: Not Specified
First PAA of Data Zone: 131,072
Last PAA of Data Zone: 1,658,494

Format Capacities:
DT: 0x01 - NB: 12219392 (0x00BA7400) - TDP: 151552
FT: 0x00 - NB: 11826176 (0x00B47400) - TDP: 12288
FT: 0x32 - NB: 11826176 (0x00B47400) - TDP: 12288
FT: 0x32 - NB: 7369728 (0x00707400) - TDP: 151552
FT: 0x32 - NB: 12088320 (0x00B87400) - TDP: 4096

Performance (Write Speed):
Descriptor 1...
-> B0: 0x02, B1: 0x00, B2: 0x00, B3: 0x00
-> EL: 12219391 (0x00BA73FF)
-> RS: 44,879 KB/s (10x) - WS: 8,991 KB/s (2x)
Descriptor 2...
-> B0: 0x02, B1: 0x00, B2: 0x00, B3: 0x00
-> EL: 12219391 (0x00BA73FF)
-> RS: 44,879 KB/s (10x) - WS: 17,982 KB/s (4x)
Descriptor 3...
-> B0: 0x02, B1: 0x00, B2: 0x00, B3: 0x00
-> EL: 12219391 (0x00BA73FF)
-> RS: 44,879 KB/s (10x) - WS: 26,973 KB/s (6x)
Descriptor 4...
-> B0: 0x02, B1: 0x00, B2: 0x00, B3: 0x00
-> EL: 12219391 (0x00BA73FF)
-> RS: 44,879 KB/s (10x) - WS: 35,964 KB/s (8x)

Anyway my questions are :-

1) What size should I be putting in the Custom size option to make sure that BDRebuilder doesn't make the rip too big, but still uses as much of the available space as possible?

2) What write speed should I use, I have used 8x and everything seems to be OK, but normally for peace of mind I have been burning at 4x.
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Old 6th June 2012, 22:41   #15210  |  Link
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The best option for a BD-R disc (25GB) is to use the default for BD-25. It has been sized to: 1.) Assure inaccuracies in sizing don't cause issues. 2.) Avoid the outer edges of the disc (that are prone to error). Trying to squeeze that little extra out of the disc doesn't give you any measurable improvement in quality -- and just causes headaches.

I'd recommend you use 1/2 the rated write speed on discs that are rated more than 4x. So for an 8x, I'd suggest burning at 4x. I've been doing that for a long time, and I've had very good luck with disc reliability and longevity.
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Old 7th June 2012, 21:56   #15211  |  Link
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My aim is to always get as close to 25,000,000,000 bytes as possible. I've learned through trial and error that a custom size of 24150 - 24400, depending on the amount of titles on disc, results in output very close to the target. That worked for 0.40.09, at least. We'll see what happens with the new version.

I haven't had any problems with writing to edge of disc but that's mostly because I use a good burner and excellent media from a quality manufacturer. The media is rated 6x but the burner supports 12x for this particular media. I've done successful writes at 10x that pass both verify run and Opti Drive Control's write quality test. However, I do most writes at 6x.
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Old 8th June 2012, 08:25   #15212  |  Link
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I thought this one had been squashed already but bumped into it on 04009 and 04010 last night:

BD Rebuilder experienced an error 1801 [07:23:02] ReencodeAudio()
00075 1801

As before, prompted by a short title (493 frames in this case) which has two apparently identical PCM tracks.
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Old 8th June 2012, 13:34   #15213  |  Link
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Originally Posted by colinhunt View Post
I thought this one had been squashed already but bumped into it on 04009 and 04010 last night:

BD Rebuilder experienced an error 1801 [07:23:02] ReencodeAudio()
00075 1801

As before, prompted by a short title (493 frames in this case) which has two apparently identical PCM tracks.
That means that a path doesn't exist. It could be the path to the audio encoder, the AVS file, or the working/source paths. In any event -- the error is passed to BD-RB from the operating system.

Please note that without the logs being posted, many of these reports become meaningless. For instance, in this one I have no idea whether it is a full backup, a movie-only, or output to MKV/MP4. That makes a huge difference. I'm happy to find and fix errors... but I can't do that when I'm groping around in the dark.
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Last edited by jdobbs; 8th June 2012 at 13:37.
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Old 8th June 2012, 15:15   #15214  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
That means that a path doesn't exist. It could be the path to the audio encoder, the AVS file, or the working/source paths. In any event -- the error is passed to BD-RB from the operating system.
That's quite mysterious! In the case of this backup, I managed to manually fix the problem by making a copy of the 4352.AC3 file BD-RB had created (first of the two PCM files always gets converted to AC3 without problems, then the second one fails), renaming the copy as the missing 4353.AC3, then asking BD-RB to resume. BD-RB sees that the previously missing 4353.AC3 file now exists and resumes happily to muxing, then rebuilds the backup without further errors.

On this disc the audio error took place right at the end of the process, so once I had copied and renamed the AC3 file, it took only a few seconds from Resume to finished backup.

Please note that without the logs being posted, many of these reports become meaningless. For instance, in this one I have no idea whether it is a full backup, a movie-only, or output to MKV/MP4. That makes a huge difference. I'm happy to find and fix errors... but I can't do that when I'm groping around in the dark.
Ah, sorry. It was a full backup, no blanking. Here's the log:

[06.07.12] BD Rebuilder v0.40.10 (beta)
[23:41:47] Source:  GANJA_AND_HESS
  - Input BD size: 36,56 GB
  - Approximate total content: [02:26:53.846]
  - Target BD size: 23,58 GB
  - Windows Version: 6.1 [7601]
  - Quality: Highest (Very Slow), Two Pass
  - X264 Tweak(s) enabled
  - Decoding/Frame serving: DGDecNV
  - Audio Settings: AC3=0 DTS=0 HD=1 Kbs=640
[23:41:49] PHASE ONE, Encoding
 - [23:41:49] Processing: VID_00003 (1 of 6)
 - [23:41:49] Extracting A/V streams [VID_00003]
 - [23:44:06] Reencoding video [VID_00003]
   - Source Video: MPEG-4 (AVC), 1920x1080
   - Rate/Length: 29,970fps, 53*330 frames
   - Bitrate: 16*397 Kbs
 - [23:44:06] Reencoding: VID_00003, Pass 1 of 2
 - [00:01:40] Reencoding: VID_00003, Pass 2 of 2
 - [01:07:55] Video Encode complete
 - [01:07:55] Processing audio tracks
   - Track 4352 (eng): Reencoding audio to AC3...
 - [01:08:01] Multiplexing M2TS
 - [01:09:25] Processing: VID_00004 (2 of 6)
 - [01:09:25] Extracting A/V streams [VID_00004]
 - [01:09:32] Reencoding video [VID_00004]
   - Source Video: MPEG-4 (AVC), 1920x1080
   - Rate/Length: 23,976fps, 256 frames
   - Bitrate: 4*437 Kbs
 - [01:09:32] Reencoding: VID_00004, Pass 1 of 2
 - [01:09:38] Reencoding: VID_00004, Pass 2 of 2
 - [01:09:45] Video Encode complete
 - [01:09:45] Processing audio tracks
   - Track 4352 (eng): Reencoding audio to AC3...
   - Track 4353 (eng): Reencoding audio to AC3...
 - [01:09:46] Multiplexing M2TS
 - [01:09:49] Processing: VID_00005 (3 of 6)
 - [01:09:49] Extracting A/V streams [VID_00005]
 - [01:09:56] Reencoding video [VID_00005]
   - Source Video: MPEG-4 (AVC), 1920x1080
   - Rate/Length: 23,976fps, 240 frames
   - Bitrate: 2*740 Kbs
 - [01:09:56] Reencoding: VID_00005, Pass 1 of 2
 - [01:10:01] Reencoding: VID_00005, Pass 2 of 2
 - [01:10:06] Video Encode complete
 - [01:10:06] Processing audio tracks
   - Track 4352 (eng): Reencoding audio to AC3...
   - Track 4353 (eng): Reencoding audio to AC3...
 - [01:10:07] Multiplexing M2TS
 - [01:10:10] Processing: VID_00006 (4 of 6)
 - [01:10:10] Extracting A/V streams [VID_00006]
 - [01:20:32] Reencoding video [VID_00006]
   - Source Video: MPEG-4 (AVC), 1920x1080
   - Rate/Length: 23,976fps, 161*970 frames
   - Bitrate: 22*277 Kbs
 - [01:20:32] Reencoding: VID_00006, Pass 1 of 2
 - [02:22:41] Reencoding: VID_00006, Pass 2 of 2
 - [07:11:27] Video Encode complete
 - [07:11:27] Processing audio tracks
   - Track 4352 (eng): Reencoding audio to AC3...
   - Track 4353 (eng): Reencoding audio to AC3...
 - [07:12:46] Multiplexing M2TS
 - [07:22:22] Processing: VID_00007 (5 of 6)
 - [07:22:22] Extracting A/V streams [VID_00007]
 - [07:22:26] Reencoding video [VID_00007]
   - Source Video: MPEG-4 (AVC), 1920x1080
   - Rate/Length: 29,970fps, 30 frames
   - Bitrate: 500 Kbs
 - [07:22:26] Reencoding: VID_00007, Pass 1 of 2
 - [07:22:28] Reencoding: VID_00007, Pass 2 of 2
 - [07:22:30] Video Encode complete
 - [07:22:30] Processing audio tracks
 - [07:22:30] Multiplexing M2TS
 - [07:22:33] Processing: VID_00043 (6 of 6)
 - [07:22:33] Extracting A/V streams [VID_00043]
 - [07:22:42] Reencoding video [VID_00043]
   - Source Video: MPEG-4 (AVC), 1920x1080
   - Rate/Length: 23,976fps, 493 frames
   - Bitrate: 3*306 Kbs
 - [07:22:42] Reencoding: VID_00043, Pass 1 of 2
 - [07:22:52] Reencoding: VID_00043, Pass 2 of 2
 - [07:23:02] Video Encode complete
 - [07:23:02] Processing audio tracks
   - Track 4352 (eng): Reencoding audio to AC3...
   - Track 4353 (eng): Reencoding audio to AC3...
 - [07:23:02] ReencodeAudio() 00075  1801
[10:25:18] - Failed to reencode audio, aborted
----------------------    <-- COPIED & RENAMED AC3 FILE, THEN RESUMED.
[06.08.12] BD Rebuilder v0.40.10 (beta)
[10:26:20] Source:  GANJA_AND_HESS
  - Input BD size: 36,56 GB
  - Approximate total content: [02:26:53.846]
  - Target BD size: 23,58 GB
  - Windows Version: 6.1 [7601]
  - Quality: Highest (Very Slow), Two Pass
  - X264 Tweak(s) enabled
  - Decoding/Frame serving: DGDecNV
  - Audio Settings: AC3=0 DTS=0 HD=1 Kbs=640
- Resuming from previously started job.
[10:26:21] PHASE ONE, Encoding
 - [10:26:21] Processing: VID_00043 (6 of 6)
 - [10:26:21] Processing audio tracks
   - Track 4352 (eng): Reencoding audio to AC3...
   - Track 4353 (eng): Reencoding audio to AC3...
 - [10:26:22] Multiplexing M2TS
[10:26:26]PHASE ONE complete
[10:26:26]PHASE TWO - Rebuild Started
 - [10:26:26] Rebuilding BD file Structure
[10:26:47] - Encode and Rebuild complete
[10:26:47] JOB: GANJA_AND_HESS finished.

Last edited by jdobbs; 8th June 2012 at 20:00.
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Old 8th June 2012, 20:02   #15215  |  Link
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So it appears that track 4353 was never extracted. Are you sure it actually exists in the source? Sometimes preprocessing can remove tracks but leave the references, any chance you ran it through some other software for any reason first?
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Old 8th June 2012, 20:45   #15216  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
So it appears that track 4353 was never extracted. Are you sure it actually exists in the source?
Absolutely. MediaInfo of the source file:

Audio #1
ID                                       : 4352 (0x1100)
Menu ID                                  : 1 (0x1)
Format                                   : PCM
Format settings, Endianness              : Big
Format settings, Sign                    : Signed
Muxing mode                              : Blu-ray
Codec ID                                 : 128
Duration                                 : 20s 555ms
Bit rate mode                            : Constant
Bit rate                                 : 2 304 Kbps
Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
Channel positions                        : Front: L R
Sampling rate                            : 48.0 KHz
Bit depth                                : 24 bits
Stream size                              : 5.65 MiB (36%)

Audio #2
ID                                       : 4353 (0x1101)
Menu ID                                  : 1 (0x1)
Format                                   : PCM
Format settings, Endianness              : Big
Format settings, Sign                    : Signed
Muxing mode                              : Blu-ray
Codec ID                                 : 128
Duration                                 : 20s 555ms
Bit rate mode                            : Constant
Bit rate                                 : 2 304 Kbps
Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
Channel positions                        : Front: L R
Sampling rate                            : 48.0 KHz
Bit depth                                : 24 bits
Stream size                              : 5.65 MiB (36%)
I can also extract both tracks from the file using MeGUI's HD Stream Extractor and eac3to.

Sometimes preprocessing can remove tracks but leave the references, any chance you ran it through some other software for any reason first?
Nope, this was a very normal AnyDVD rip from disc to hard drive.

Every time this error occurs, the culprit is a small file which has two or more (one had 5!) identical PCM tracks. On this disc, 00043.m2ts is white static text block on black background and the audio tracks appear to be empty.

It looks to me like some authoring shops try to minimize problems by including the same number of audio tracks on all files. In other words, if the main feature contains 3 dubs (for example english, french and spanish), all extra features and even menus have three audio tracks - even though those tracks are identical in content.
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Old 9th June 2012, 02:40   #15217  |  Link
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It probably is a part of a playlist with another M2TS that has that audio stream present. Streams that share a playlist should have the same number of audio streams. In most circumstances if it is not needed it should be a stream that contains some type of audio (even if it is silence). If the file doesn't exist at the time of reencoding, I have to suspect it isn't really there. It might just be referenced in the PAT/PMT headers of the M2TS (which might fool MediaInfo).

TSMUXER does the demuxing and should have created that file, open that M2TS with TSMUXER and see what it says about track 4353. I'd suggest you also try demuxing it and see what happens.
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Last edited by jdobbs; 9th June 2012 at 02:44.
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Old 9th June 2012, 10:06   #15218  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
TSMUXER does the demuxing and should have created that file, open that M2TS with TSMUXER and see what it says about track 4353. I'd suggest you also try demuxing it and see what happens.
TSMUXER shows two PCM audio tracks (2304Kbps, 48Khz, 24-bit) and demuxes both nicely. (I mentioned in my previous post I can extract both tracks.)
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Old 9th June 2012, 16:45   #15219  |  Link
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Originally Posted by colinhunt View Post
TSMUXER shows two PCM audio tracks (2304Kbps, 48Khz, 24-bit) and demuxes both nicely. (I mentioned in my previous post I can extract both tracks.)
Ok then, I'm confused. I thought the extracted track was missing -- and you corrected it by copying/renaming the first track for the encode. I guess that apparently isn't the case. So I have no idea what is happening.
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Old 9th June 2012, 22:18   #15220  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
It's a bad rip.

Never confuse "playing" with "decoding and reencoding" -- playing can ignore errors, decoding/reencoding can't.

The error comes from TSMUXER. The AV buffer isn't really the issue. That's just where the corrupt source showed itself. You'd probably get it no matter how big you made the buffer.
I re-ripped the disc and still got the same error. I'm trying to get hold of another copy of the disc. I'll rip it using a different drive (& manufacturer) and see if I get the same problem.

In the meantime I've pulled out the offending LPCM audio track, run BDRB and muxed the audio back in and it seems to work ok.
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