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Old 12th December 2024, 06:17   #9641  |  Link
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Originally Posted by benwaggoner View Post
Yeah, if only it worked! I've never been able to get a single frame to duplicate as documented, even with some pretty extreme settings. I've not tried in a 4.x build, but don't recall any patches for that part.

Maybe it only works in 2-pass or something?
I'm not sure "which" duplication you are referring to, the first case is the encoding side:

What it does is actually removing frames and using SEI to tell decoder to duplicate existing frames, which actually should be called de-duplication I think.

Maybe you are not looking at the right place (i.e. you think it's duplicating frames while it actually deletes frames), but assuming you are not able to get frames to trigger the de-duplication during encoding:

There's PSNR thresholding, can be configured via --dup-threshold parameter.
If you use low enough threshold, eventually some frames will be de-duped, but of course this should only be used in experiments, low threshold will just destroy the video.

The second case: the decoding side...

You need a decoder that's able to recognize and utilize the picture timing SEI (which only tells decoder to double or triple the frame, no actual timestamp is stored) and I guess things will... "just work"... yeah, who knows, the most common decoder (avcodec) doesn't support it so I can't test.

Originally Posted by benwaggoner View Post
The tool is reasonably useful with the proper tools; there just aren't any good open source ones currently. The hardest part is the degrain-and-parameterize before encoding.

The rendering has some challenges with repeated patterns, due to the "drunken walk" nature of selecting a random 32x32 block out of a 64x64 block: pixels near the middle are much more heavily sampled than those near the edge. I so wish computer science degrees required some basic statistics! I work with a lot of engineers who are whizzes at linear algebra, but go blank when I ask "is that statistically significant?"
Maybe I just hate noises in general
But I agree, it (FGS) has potential... just it still has a long way to go.

Last edited by Z2697; 12th December 2024 at 06:23.
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Old 15th December 2024, 19:43   #9642  |  Link
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Hello Doom9! It's been nearly 20 years since I last posted here although I've been lurking on and off all these years. I recently got back into this old hobby and have greatly appreciated the information ITT. Since I'd been away since the early x264 days and it took several weeks to get up to speed with x265. If it wasn't for the information ITT I would have spent many more weeks aimlessly testing stuff I'm sure. I have a bunch of questions. I hope you don't mind if I ask them.

1) --frame-rc / https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/...396de62dc618c1

Can someone please explain how to work with this recent commit? Can I just define this stuff in my qpfile? If so, what syntax should I use? There is no documentation about this that I can find and it isn't really explained on the git repo from what I've seen. I've been slowly trying to work my way through ratecontrol.cpp to understand it but I haven't had a chance to throw random stuff in a qpfile and check yet (I will soon when I'm back at home). Has anyone used this feature yet?

I am very interested in this since I already manually create a qpfile anyway to set I-frames at particular frames for various reasons (seeking speed and ensuring frames with overlays get an I-frame when needed). I'm already creating qpfiles by hand for each source I work with. So the ability to manually set CRF/QP/Bitrate would be a much welcomed addition. Up until now I've been having to manually make zones and multiply the bitrate up/down which is less than ideal.

2) Misc. cutree stuff and mods

I did a lot of testing with cutree on/off last year and visually I frankly couldn't see much difference but turning off cutree would sometimes greatly increase bitrates for little gain. The extra bits didn't seem worth what I was getting. I currently "reign in" cutree by tweaking --qcomp typically at something like 0.7 or 0.8 at most. Boulder posted a diff file ITT several pages ago and the repo linked in this post is supposed to allow tweaking cutree directly instead of in the round about way with qcomp. But I've also heard from many people over the last few years that I shouldn't use cutree at all because it's a

Bad implementation of mbtree from x264
I do not believe this because in my experience cutree hasn't degraded visual quality at the CRFs I typically use (15-18 or so). I suspect this is one of those hold over old wives tales from the early days of mbtree in x264 when it wasn't fleshed out yet. I'll be the first to admit I don't fully understand how cutree works in x265. I've been reading the source code in an attempt to better understand it. I've also spent many hours reading various posts here. But there really isn't a lot of good technical discussion about it that I can find. Perhaps it's happening on the mailing list somewhere that I haven't seen yet?

I would greatly appreciate hearing your opinions on cutree and if using the above modifications (along with the hours of testing involved) would be worth my time. I've been building x265 from source for the last year or so. But I only use a handful of modifications and mainly for the AQ modes that aren't in mainline. Which brings me to my next and last question for now;

3) Auto-aq

Earlier this year I built a modded version of x265 from I believe version 3.6 or thereabouts. It included the auto-aq mode which I quickly found to be a huge benefit for the sources I work with. In the version I had it was invoked as so;

--aq-auto 10
Today I got a chance to catch up on things and noticed x265 had developed a lot since I was away. I also quickly found out that this mode no longer worked as it did just a few months ago. Through trail and error and some lurking on the git where it's hosted I found out I can now invoke it like this

But I didn't see any discussion for why it changed and if you can still supply it with an option (e.g. 6 vs. 10 for HDR or SDR content). Does it automatically determine what kind of source you're working with now? Please advise. I spent a few hours this morning trying to find the exact commit where it was changed and why along with trying to grok posts from here. But there were over 20 pages of new discussion ITT and my searches of the forum's database proved futile.

I do have more questions about how x265 works and some of the settings I've been using for the last 2 years or so. I've gotten really good results at acceptable bitrates so I'm happy with them. But improvements are always welcomed of course. My workstation is getting a bit long in the tooth these days and I'm due for an upgrade. So I'm not able to do as much testing as I'd like. My usual config is already lucky to obtain 1fps. Which means a typical project for me takes several days and sometimes weeks to finish. Although the whole manually creating qpfiles and the type of editing/filtering I do takes up far more time. As I'm usually stepping through things frame-by-frame and splicing together sometimes 4 different sources to restore the content I work with.

This is getting verbose so I'll hold off on asking more questions even though I'm full of them. It's good to be back. I'm happy to see this community is still very active. I prefer using forums to these modern locked down social media networks or God forbid Discord.

Also, thanks again to the kind admin that allowed me to post this today instead of a week from now.

Last edited by LunaRabbit; 15th December 2024 at 20:00.
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Old 15th December 2024, 21:10   #9643  |  Link
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Some (paranoid) people have been disabling mbtree since x264, no wonder they'll disable cutree as well.
The real problem is not even whether cutree is a bad mbtree mimic or not, they don't even use mbtree to begin with.
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Old 15th December 2024, 21:36   #9644  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Z2697 View Post
Some (paranoid) people have been disabling mbtree since x264, no wonder they'll disable cutree as well.
The real problem is not even whether cutree is a bad mbtree mimic or not, they don't even use mbtree to begin with.
Yeah I understand that part of it. In their defense early mbtree wasn't that great from what I remember. But I'm sure it improved some after I stopped paying attention and got busy with life.

My limited understanding of cutree is that it isn't the same as mbtree at all. From what I understand cutree is more about looking ahead and attempting to either insert more I-frames or shift data in a GOP towards I-frames. With the hope that the following P/B frames will benefit and thus be smaller. I might be wrong but I've always understood it as being more like lookahead than what mbtree was. But I don't pretend to understand the inner workings of mbtree either.

It's just frustrating that the only discussion I see about cutree is either "turn it off it'll destroy quality" or "leave it on but I don't really know what it's doing. It just saves bits". I want to have a better understanding of how it works.

I do know for my uses/config it does save bitrate without affecting quality much that I can see. I suppose if I pixel peep I could spot very mild drop in quality here and there. But over the course of an entire episode or movie it seems to save a lot of bitrate and produce something of equal quality if nothing else is changed.

But perhaps that has more to do with the fact that I used closed GOPs and usually VBV. I do understand GOPs in x265 fine. I think I understand VBV as well and I don't think it really hurts quality that much the way I use it. I use it to impose an upper limit on the buffer so my encodes play nicer with some set-top devices and over the network. As I want to stream my stuff over my LAN and sometimes over WAN when I'm away from home. I was going to ask about VBV another time. But I only bring it up because maybe that's why I'm not seeing any improvement with cutree off.

The bitrate savings for me with cutree are very good. In a clip of say 100 frames with cutree on and closed_GOP set to 24 frames I'll produce a video stream that's about 1.5-2.0MB. The --no-cutree version would be 3.5-4MB with no gain in quality that I can see. Although I do "reel it in" with qcomp. But perhaps that's placebo. I'm mainly doing that in an attempt to prevent much variation between keyframes and non-keyframes.

Some guidance concerning cutree, how it relates to qcomp and if these modifications to tweak cu-tree are worth exploring would be very helpful and appreciated. Since I was surprised to find so little discussion about it outside of; "turn it off" or "if you're leaving it on make sure to raise qcomp a bit".

I feel like there are a lot of things like this in x265 that is just advice being repeated for the last 10+ years from people assuming it works just like early x264. Some time way back when everyone just decided to do things a certain way and never bothered to do tests as the underlying code and the codec itself changed.

I do know that people claim cutree can hurt backgrounds and scenes with a lot of movement. But in my experience it doesn't. But again. Perhaps I'm not seeing these issues because 1) I use a low CRF for 720p-1080p content anyway and 2) I regularly boost bitrate through the use of zones.

Do you use cutree?

Last edited by LunaRabbit; 15th December 2024 at 21:44.
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Old 16th December 2024, 07:11   #9645  |  Link
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As you point out, cutree saves a lot of bitrate, sometimes close to -50% in anime, and the same goes for mbtree. Those savings can go to smaller CRFs for example. So, I do not understand what people gain by disabling these tools. There is a small increase in quality on certain parts of the frame, but you've got to look for it, and I think one would better spend bits by lowering the CRF.

Recently, encoding a set of anime at reference quality, I settled on leaving cutree on and using a low CRF (14). I also set the rc-lookahead to 240 because a longer lookahead is said to be more beneficial for cutree.

I think if one is encoding anime in particular, disabling mbtree or cutree is a massive waste of bits, and a 2-pass encode would likely suffer more for it. As for how it works, my limited understanding is that it increases the quantiser for parts of a frame that are less referenced temporally. Dark Shikari wrote a paper about mbtree back in the day but it was a bit technical.

Last edited by GeoffreyA; 16th December 2024 at 07:23.
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Old 16th December 2024, 07:32   #9646  |  Link
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I recently requested jpsdr to include the cutree strength mod (in addition to those couple of other interesting AQ related tweaks) and it might happen if he just has the time for that. Then it would be easy to control cutree if it seems too strong, I also don't believe that it should be disabled completely. Raising qcomp by 0.1 makes cutree much less effective so that's probably why it has been mentioned that qcomp should be raised a bit.
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Old 16th December 2024, 08:47   #9647  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Boulder View Post
I recently requested jpsdr to include the cutree strength mod (in addition to those couple of other interesting AQ related tweaks) and it might happen if he just has the time for that. Then it would be easy to control cutree if it seems too strong, I also don't believe that it should be disabled completely. Raising qcomp by 0.1 makes cutree much less effective so that's probably why it has been mentioned that qcomp should be raised a bit.
I've tested the "cutree-strength" mod and found that it has basically the same effect as qcomp. Not really useful IMO.
Note that I used 2-pass bitrate control in the testing because the "cutree-strength" strongly impacted the CRF rate control (iirc).

Last edited by Z2697; 16th December 2024 at 08:54.
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Old 16th December 2024, 08:51   #9648  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Z2697 View Post
I've tested the "cutree-strength" mod and found that it has basically the same effect as qcomp. Not really useful IMO.
Do you mean increasing qcomp and increasing CRF as well to match bitrate?
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Old 16th December 2024, 09:37   #9649  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Boulder View Post
Do you mean increasing qcomp and increasing CRF as well to match bitrate?
I use 2-pass, as I edited in the previous post.
Because without mod, the "cutree-strength" is internally calculated from qcomp, changing the "cutree-strength" without touching qcomp seems to just confuses the CRF rate control so much that iirc, makes them off-chart.
Edit: I just did a quick encode with that mod, obviously I didn't remember correctly... not off-chart.

Last edited by Z2697; 16th December 2024 at 09:49.
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Old 16th December 2024, 10:19   #9650  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Boulder View Post
I recently requested jpsdr to include the cutree strength mod (in addition to those couple of other interesting AQ related tweaks)
Has anything interesting been added to those mods for AQ in the last 4 months or so? Why did the flag to enable it change? Do you still need to set it manually for SDR (e.g. --aq-auto 10 in the older version).

I was getting very good results with --aq-auto 10 for SDR content over the last several months. But obviously now my copy/pasted general settings no longer work. I did some testing with --auto-aq but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be using it. Is it just the same thing with a different flag?

Edit: I just did a quick encode with that mod, obviously I didn't remember correctly... not off-chart.
What kind of differences are you seeing as opposed to just raising qcomp a bit? I mainly use CRF/1-pass mode. I haven't used 2-pass in a long time (since the xvid days) but if there is an appreciable gain in quality for the same file size I'd be willing to go back. I'll do some testing when I get some time after the holidays are over.

Thanks for the explanation everyone.

Edit: My hope was I could leave qcomp near the default of 0.6 and tweak cutree directly with the goal of maybe shaving off some file size. My CRF is already set so low that I don't want to reduce it any further. Since I try to keep half hour content under 1GB for HD content if possible (lower is obviously better and it varies from episode to episode).

Last edited by LunaRabbit; 16th December 2024 at 10:25.
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Old 16th December 2024, 10:21   #9651  |  Link
Leo 69
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Originally Posted by Z2697 View Post
I think it expects "raw" SEI payload, just guessing, haven't tried to understand it, and probably never will because I don't think it's (I'm referring to all the current implementations of FGS features) a useful feature, until it's much more improved.
You know, no matter what I tried, I still haven't been able to get it working. This feature is a nice bonus to x265 and I'd say very much needed for my particular use case.

I'm not a developer but I can partly understand and navigate the source code. So I headed to:


I found all portions of code related to --aom-film-grain and found that the encoder actually expects .bin files as input for grain parameters. I also found specifications as to what parameters that SEI payload should include. So I grabbed all of that code and fed it to o1-preview and Claude Sonnet 3.5 and asked them to provide me with compatible .bin files.

Both of them, based on those source code snippets, were able to give me a python script to produce a (supposedly) compatible grain.bin file and that's what I did, eventually. I got those .bin files. However, no matter what I did for about 3 hours, I still couldn't get this feature to work. x265 always throws error that it cannot read characteristics of the grain file.

I'm baffled. I tried to register on bitbucket, but it requires a corporate account to do so, so mere mortals cannot register so they're effectively blocked out from asking questions to developers on that platform. And nobody provided any examples of those .bin files and in what way they can actually be acquired.

The 4.1 release notes are vague, the new commandline parameter is vague. There are no examples anywhere and there's no one that I can ask. I have no idea how to solve this and make it work. Apparently, a simple function of a modern video encoder requires brains of Einstein to even get started with it. Very frustrating to be honest. If anyone can provide any insights, that would be awesome.

Last edited by Leo 69; 16th December 2024 at 10:43.
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Old 16th December 2024, 11:51   #9652  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Leo 69 View Post
You know, no matter what I tried, I still haven't been able to get it working. This feature is a nice bonus to x265 and I'd say very much needed for my particular use case.

I'm not a developer but I can partly understand and navigate the source code. So I headed to:


I found all portions of code related to --aom-film-grain and found that the encoder actually expects .bin files as input for grain parameters. I also found specifications as to what parameters that SEI payload should include. So I grabbed all of that code and fed it to o1-preview and Claude Sonnet 3.5 and asked them to provide me with compatible .bin files.

Both of them, based on those source code snippets, were able to give me a python script to produce a (supposedly) compatible grain.bin file and that's what I did, eventually. I got those .bin files. However, no matter what I did for about 3 hours, I still couldn't get this feature to work. x265 always throws error that it cannot read characteristics of the grain file.

I'm baffled. I tried to register on bitbucket, but it requires a corporate account to do so, so mere mortals cannot register so they're effectively blocked out from asking questions to developers on that platform. And nobody provided any examples of those .bin files and in what way they can actually be acquired.

The 4.1 release notes are vague, the new commandline parameter is vague. There are no examples anywhere and there's no one that I can ask. I have no idea how to solve this and make it work. Apparently, a simple function of a modern video encoder requires brains of Einstein to even get started with it. Very frustrating to be honest. If anyone can provide any insights, that would be awesome.
I think the mailing list is your best bet: x265-devel@videolan.org

It's plain silly that they didn't choose the simple grain table file method which is already used by at least aomenc and SVT-AV1.
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Old 16th December 2024, 11:57   #9653  |  Link
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Originally Posted by LunaRabbit View Post
Has anything interesting been added to those mods for AQ in the last 4 months or so? Why did the flag to enable it change? Do you still need to set it manually for SDR (e.g. --aq-auto 10 in the older version).

I was getting very good results with --aq-auto 10 for SDR content over the last several months. But obviously now my copy/pasted general settings no longer work. I did some testing with --auto-aq but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be using it. Is it just the same thing with a different flag?
The parameter should still be --aq-auto x. Nothing has changed there, so the same parameters will apply (10 for SDR, 6 for HDR if you want to enable all the tweaks it has).
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Old 16th December 2024, 12:15   #9654  |  Link
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So, auto-aq is a resurrected form of "SBRC" feature that was "deprecated" from official x265, but then in release note 3.6 the first one is "SBRC", huh... I guess they "repurposed" that name?
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Old 16th December 2024, 12:17   #9655  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Z2697 View Post
So, auto-aq is a resurrected form of "SBRC" feature that was "deprecated" from official x265, but then in release note 3.6 the first one is "SBRC", huh... I guess they "repurposed" that name?
I think someone mentioned that they committed a wrong set of patches under SBRC at first
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Old 16th December 2024, 13:17   #9656  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Boulder View Post
The parameter should still be --aq-auto x. Nothing has changed there, so the same parameters will apply (10 for SDR, 6 for HDR if you want to enable all the tweaks it has).
I must have cloned the wrong repo or something. As I couldn't get --aq-auto to work no matter what I did. I'll try again later today thanks.

Do you happen to know anything about the --frame-rc stuff I asked about and if it can be controlled from a qpfile? I'm having the same issue as the person above. The release notes are very sparse about how these new features work. I'll see if I can find an archive of the mailing list in the mean time.
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Old 16th December 2024, 13:24   #9657  |  Link
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Originally Posted by LunaRabbit View Post
I must have cloned the wrong repo or something. As I couldn't get --aq-auto to work no matter what I did. I'll try again later today thanks.

Do you happen to know anything about the --frame-rc stuff I asked about and if it can be controlled from a qpfile? I'm having the same issue as the person above. The release notes are very sparse about how these new features work. I'll see if I can find an archive of the mailing list in the mean time.
jpsdr's repo default is 'master' but the mods are in the other branch 'x265_mod'.

Unfortunately I don't know anything about the --frame-rc parameter. Nothing in the online CLI docs either, which is not unexpected as documentation seems to be irrelevant
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Old 16th December 2024, 13:47   #9658  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Boulder View Post
jpsdr's repo default is 'master' but the mods are in the other branch 'x265_mod'.

Unfortunately I don't know anything about the --frame-rc parameter. Nothing in the online CLI docs either, which is not unexpected as documentation seems to be irrelevant
Hey thanks for your help again. I was probably just being dumb and probably built the wrong source directory on my local system. I'm sure I'll figure it out when I have more time. I checked again and my last build doesn't have --aq-auto at all. So it's either an unmodded version (I think it's patman's) or I messed up and used the official repo.

If anyone is curious I tried patching the .diff you posting a few pages back against v4.1 from master. As expected, so much changed it can't apply automatically anymore. But I plan to go through the source code later today to see if I can get it working. Here is the output from patch;

patching file README.md
patching file build/MSYS_jpsdr/Build_Win32.sh
patching file build/MSYS_jpsdr/Build_Win32_AVX.sh
patching file build/MSYS_jpsdr/Build_Win32_AVX2.sh
patching file build/MSYS_jpsdr/Build_Win32_Broadwell.sh
patching file build/MSYS_jpsdr/Build_Win32_x86.sh
patching file build/MSYS_jpsdr/Build_mcf_10_Broadwell.sh
patching file build/VS2019_LLVM/Command_Line.txt
patching file build/VS2019_LLVM/Create_Solutions_x64.bat
patching file build/VS2019_LLVM/Create_Solutions_x86.bat
patching file doc/reST/cli.rst
patching file source/CMakeLists.txt
patching file source/abrEncApp.cpp
Hunk #2 NOT MERGED at 1173-1178.
patching file source/avisynth/avisynth.h
patching file source/avisynth/avisynth_c.h
patching file source/avisynth/avs/alignment.h
patching file source/avisynth/avs/arch.h
patching file source/avisynth/avs/capi.h
patching file source/avisynth/avs/config.h
patching file source/avisynth/avs/cpuid.h
patching file source/avisynth/avs/filesystem.h
patching file source/avisynth/avs/minmax.h
patching file source/avisynth/avs/posix.h
patching file source/avisynth/avs/types.h
patching file source/avisynth/avs/version.h
patching file source/avisynth/avs/win.h
patching file source/cmake/Version.cmake
patching file source/common/CMakeLists.txt
patching file source/common/common.cpp
patching file source/common/common.h
patching file source/common/event.cpp
patching file source/common/event.h
patching file source/common/frame.cpp
patching file source/common/frame.h
patching file source/common/lowres.cpp
patching file source/common/lowres.h
patching file source/common/param.cpp
Hunk #1 merged at 154-155.
Hunk #18 NOT MERGED at 1378-1392.
Hunk #27 NOT MERGED at 2449-2455.
Hunk #28 NOT MERGED at 2478-2488.
Hunk #29 NOT MERGED at 2530-2544,2546-2553.
Hunk #30 merged at 2607.
Hunk #31 NOT MERGED at 2638-2646.
Hunk #35 merged at 2907-2908.
Hunk #37 merged at 3003-3005.
patching file source/common/param.h
patching file source/common/threading.h
patching file source/common/x86/asm-primitives.cpp
patching file source/common/x86/loopfilter.asm
Hunk #1 already applied at 3870.
patching file source/encoder/api.cpp
Hunk #1 merged at 120.
patching file source/encoder/encoder.cpp
Hunk #1 merged at 292, NOT MERGED at 298-302.
Hunk #4 NOT MERGED at 2169-2184,2186-2197, merged at 2199-2202, merged at 2205, merged at 2210.
Hunk #5 NOT MERGED at 2536-2542.
Hunk #7 merged at 3748,3750-3751.
Hunk #11 NOT MERGED at 4618-4625, merged at 4627.
patching file source/encoder/frameencoder.cpp
Hunk #1 merged at 467.
patching file source/encoder/ratecontrol.cpp
patching file source/encoder/ratecontrol.h
patching file source/encoder/rdcost.h
patching file source/encoder/search.cpp
patching file source/encoder/slicetype.cpp
patching file source/encoder/slicetype.h
patching file source/input/avs.cpp
patching file source/input/avs.h
patching file source/input/input.cpp
Hunk #2 NOT MERGED at 41-53.
patching file source/input/input.h
patching file source/input/vpy.cpp
patching file source/input/vpy.h
patching file source/input/y4m.cpp
Hunk #1 NOT MERGED at 43-48.
patching file source/input/y4m.h
Hunk #1 NOT MERGED at 58-62.
patching file source/input/yuv.h
patching file source/output/gop.h
patching file source/output/gop_engine.hpp
patching file source/output/output.cpp
patching file source/vapoursynth/VSConstants4.h
patching file source/vapoursynth/VSHelper4.h
patching file source/vapoursynth/VSScript4.h
patching file source/vapoursynth/VapourSynth4.h
patching file source/x265.h
patching file source/x265cli.cpp
Hunk #4 NOT MERGED at 106-122.
Hunk #6 merged at 163-165.
Hunk #7 NOT MERGED at 306-328, merged at 330, merged at 332-336.
Hunk #9 merged at 565-572, NOT MERGED at 574-601, NOT MERGED at 604-611.
Hunk #11 NOT MERGED at 978-989.
Hunk #12 merged at 1112.
Hunk #13 NOT MERGED at 1201-1207.
patching file source/x265cli.h
Hunk #5 merged at 450.
Hunk #6 NOT MERGED at 505-511.
patching file source/x265res.manifest.in
So there aren't many lines that changed. I'm sure I can manually patch in what patch couldn't do automatically.
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Old 16th December 2024, 13:57   #9659  |  Link
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Originally Posted by LunaRabbit View Post
Hey thanks for your help again. I was probably just being dumb and probably built the wrong source directory on my local system. I'm sure I'll figure it out when I have more time. I checked again and my last build doesn't have --aq-auto at all. So it's either an unmodded version (I think it's patman's) or I messed up and used the official repo.
If you are on Windows, jpsdr does offer pre-compiled binaries in GitHub.

Fixing the patch file can be a tedious job but just takes time to sit down and work through the errors one by one. The original changes are from so long time ago that the codebase has changed quite a lot since then.
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the Moon...
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Old 16th December 2024, 13:58   #9660  |  Link
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Join Date: Aug 2024
Posts: 370
Here're 2 test results of "cutree-strength" I just ran.
I leave them as links because they are long images.
Please ignore the speed, I ran them in VM.


The curves from "corresponding" qcomp and "cutree-strength" values are almost completely aligned with each other, maybe not easy to see in CRF results since the final bitrate differs quite a lot, so I did a 2-pass test.

(qcomp 0.65 corresponds to cutree-strength 1.75 and qocmp 0.7 corresponds to cutree-strength 1.5)

Also keep in mind this is not a valid quality comparison across different "qcomp and cutree-strength pairs", the matrics usually "performs" poorly when it comes to "bits re-distribution". (my layman's understanding is: aq is bits re-distribution within frame, cutree/mbtree is bits re-distribution across frames)

I ran a CRF test with more data points but only 2 sets of data. Make the interpolated curve more accurate and the "alignment" easier to see.
And switched to a test build I did back in the day.
The points are from CRF 12 to 32.

Last edited by Z2697; 17th December 2024 at 11:12.
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