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Old 18th December 2018, 23:29   #1  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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ExBlend deblender - v1.04 - 18 Dec 2018

New Thread due to Forum restriction on editing thread title when over x number of years old.
Old version here:- https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=157337

Settings.txt Part 1 of 3 : Post #1 of 6
ExBlend() By Stainless Stephen [StainlessS on Doom9]

New thread:-   https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=175948

   ExBlend() v1.04 [Req VS2008 CPP runtimes]

   YV12, YV16, YV24, YV8, YUY2 PROGRESSIVE source.   Avisynth v2.5+ (YV12 & YUY2 only for v2.58 plugin)

   ExBlend(), is a plugin originally written for telecined clips that were downsized from 720x480 to VCD 352x240.
   The damage caused by this, looks similar to damage caused by blend Deinterlacing of telecined clips, which results
   in a double blend, every five frames, GGGBBGGGBBGGGBB etc where 'G' is good and 'B' is blend.
   Where damage is due to Deinterlacing of telecined clips, it is likely that a denoised detection clip is required
   as although the damage looks quite similar, it is not exactly the same.


Exblend(Clip,int "mode",int "pal",float "lockthresh",float "ithresh",int "show",string "ExBfile",bool "ver",bool "revip",
    string "override",int "lv",int "dv",int "disp",clip "Dclip",int "CompUB",bool "Decimate",int "DecompIx",int "DecClpIx",
    bool "Debug")


int mode          Running mode Default 1

                  0  Free Running mode (Deprecated)
                     Mainly for those that might whinge about having to use modes 1 & 2.
                     In this mode it keeps a record in memory of the blend status of all visited
                     frames, if you eg scan forwards and then backwards you will get exactly the
                     same results as the 1st visit. Jumping about is also possible so long as
                     you have first scanned the entire file although some metrics will be wrong.
                  1  Scan and Store mode (Default)
                     As for Free Running mode but saves a copy of the scan status data when the
                     clip is closed ('ExBlend.XBD'). Use this prior to mode = 2.
                     Its pretty pointless having filters following ExBlend() in mode 1.
                  2  Pre-calculated mode
                     Loads in Scan Status Data saved by Scan and Store mode, this is particularly
                     useful to examine exactly which frames are unblended and you can jump about
                     without the possibilty of mismatched detections. You should still not jump
                     about if you are examining the BlendPair count and Ratio or other counts.
                     In mode 1, Scan & Store, Scan entire file (with or without metrics) and When
                     you have everything working right you can switch
                     to mode 2, (with metrics off). You now can add following filters to your hearts
                     content and ExBlend() should not take up too much CPU.
                         Switching from modes 1 to 2 may seems awkward but it is intended that
                     this filter be used in film restoration and so it is likely that many other
                     filters will follow this one, having a pre-calculated data file allows
                     Exblend() to use minimal CPU when adding further filters and checking the
                     resultant video. For the same reasons, Multidecimate() could also be a good
                     v1.03b, added native decimation in mode 2.

int pal           -1, 0, 1 , Default 0, lets Exblend() know what the original frame rate was.

                    This sets the filters hints, after a blended pair is found, the detector will preset
                    3 (23.976/24 FPS) frames either side of the pair to HINTED meaning No Blend. If 'pal' (25 FPS)
                    is set to 1, it will preset 4 frames either side to HINTED. This helps it fall
                    into sync with sequence but may have slight delayed detection if the sequence goes
                    out of sync. If a frame has already been preset (visited) then the hint will not
                    be set, this allows hints to work when scanning both forward and backwards.
                      Not sure if PAL is actually useful or not, never seen any clip that exhibited this
                    problem with a good/blended signature of GGGGBBGGGGBBGGGG etc, where there are 4
                    good frames and 2 blends. As it did not add much difficulty to the plugin, PAL was
                    implemented just incase it was ever found to be useful.

                  -1 AutoPal mode. (MODE 0 ONLY)
                    If you are not sure what the original source was you can set PAL = -1 (MODE 0 Only).
                    If "Unblended:Blended Pairs" Ratio is between (4.0-0.01) and 5.0 at frame 1500 (1500=60*25
                    = 60 seconds @ 25 FPS), it will auto switch to PAL hints, the first 60 seconds
                    could contain the odd extra false blend pair detection.
                    If AUTO PAL is activated, the Metrics P (PAL) flag is hi-lited. It's
                    not a good idea to rely on this auto pal switch, you should set pal=1 when you
                    see it in orange. If autopal is activated and you later see the ratio rise above
                    5.0, then it would seem that the autopal detection was in error, this can happen
                    if the 1st 60 seconds contains a lot of static scenes with little movement, in this
                    case you should change to PAL=0 to disable the autopal detection and force it
                    to 23/24FPS original frame rate. Again, if the 1st 60 seconds contains a lot of static
                    scenes and it was originally PAL 25 FPS then the autopal may fail to detect and not
                    auto switch to PAL mode, in this case, ratio will later fall to above 4.0 and below
                    about 5.0. In this case you should change to PAL=1 to force PAL mode.

                  0, Forced 24 (or 23.976) FPS original frame rate (Default).
                     If the original source was 25 FPS and PAL is set
                     to 0, then this can reduce the effectiveness of ExBlend() due to it erroneously
                     detecting false blends where it should have been hinted, thus throwing it out of sync.

                  1, Forced PAL 25 FPS original frame rate. If the original source was 24 FPS and PAL is set
                     to 1, then this can DRAMATICALLY reduce the effectiveness of ExBlend() due to it hinting
                     out blends and overriding what should have been a blend detection. This will again, throw
                     it out of sync.

                     The R (RATIO) metrics flag will be displayed in orange at any time the ratio is not within expected
                     bounds, including during the AUTO PAL detection period (if it was a 25 FPS clip originally)
                     but will disappear once AUTO PAL has switched.

float lockthresh  Range 0.0 (Off) to about 2.0, Default 1.0 (No longer considered EXPERIMENTAL, so default 1.0)

                  The lockthresh arg switches on the locking function of ExBlend().
                  Purpose being to try and latch on to the sequence when near static scene is encountered.
                  If the lock is activated, the 'L' Locked flag will be set in metrics.

                  L=y.yyyy LMX[f]=z.zzzz

                  I dont really wanna explain how locking works, it may
                  change if someone else can implement a better version. However, for locking
                  to take effect, some pre-conditions have to be satisfied. The frame must
                  be detected as non-blended, the previous frame should have been hinted, and at
                  least some of the conditions that would qualify as a blend detection must
                  be present, so not all frames qualify for the pre-conditions. If a frame does
                  qualify, then you may see something like L=y.yyyy which would indicate a
                  locking metric for the current frame, it is this metric that is compared to
                  LOCKTHRESH, if below or equal, then the frame is locked (converted to a blend
                  detection). If the frame is locked, the L flag will be set and the metric will
                  be Hi-lited. Once any frame has been locked, you may see LMX[f]=z.zzzz and
                  this shows the frame number and lock metric for the frame with the highest
                  locked metric, yet encountered. There may also be an indication for the frame
                  with the lowest lock metric that did NOT lock as in NoLMN[f]=x.xxxx
                  You may want to investigate all of the minimum and maximum flagged frames
                  both for locking and Ignore functions. Any frame that qualifies and would pass
                  the locking criteria will fail silently if the merge delta is above the
                  ithresh Ignore setting, it will not appear or be counted as an ignored frame.

                    If anyone would like to improve the functionality of lock, then please
                  be my guest.
                  This filter outputs a list of LOCKED frames which can be viewed using DebugView,
                  or may be output to a logging file.

                  v1.02, can now use eg 'disp=0' to view original blended clip along with metrics to
                  view frames flagged for investigation for either locking or ignore.

float ithresh     0.0 to 100.0, Default 3.0

                  There was a weird transition in the
                  original clip that prompted this filter to be written, it resulted in an even
                  more weird effect after unblending (looked sort of embossed). This is an
                  attempt to avoid future similar problems, but I dont have the original problem
                  video any more so cant really test it, also, the detection logic has changed
                  a little and so the it may no longer be a problem.
                     If merge Delta (MD) for a detected blend pair goes above this number, then the
                  blends will be ignored. I suppose that you could cut down on the number of false
                  blend detections by lowering this but it probably does not need it,
                  it works fairly well as it is. If MD exceeds ithresh, the 'I' Ignored flag will
                  be set and the detected blended pair will be ignored, and a little futher info
                  will be given when show=5. If there were any IGNORED blends, then it may be a good
                  idea to take a look at the offending frames both with ithresh at its setting
                  of 3.0 and with ithresh set to eg 100.0 where the suspect blend will not be ignored.

                    Written since above, the ithresh setting does seem to work quite well and it's
                  default setting of 3.0 may cut down on false detections but may IGNORE good blend
                  detections too, this is conservatively set so as not to allow any bad ones
                  through.  A clip has been observed that went out of sequence every few minutes by
                  throwing in a triple blend, this ithresh setting seems to avoid the unpleasant
                  effects of bad detections at these points. You may need to raise this if many
                  IGNORED blends occur, perhaps in 'not so good clips'.
                    This filter outputs a list of IGNORED frames which can be viewed using DebugView,
                  or may be output to a logging file.

                  v1.02, can now use eg 'disp=0' to view original blended clip along with metrics to
                  view frames flagged for investigation for either locking or ignore.
dll's for Avs v2.58, v2.60/+ x86 and x64.
Zip includes 3 dll's + source + full vs 2008 project files (~214KB).
See MediaFire or SendSpace in Sig for Downloads
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 19th December 2018 at 01:13.
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Old 18th December 2018, 23:29   #2  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Settings.txt Part 2 of 3 : Post #2 of 6
int show  Range 0-5
        MODES 0 1, and 2 when Decimate == false:

                0 Off (Default in MODE 2 only)

                1 Show colored block in top left hand of clip when blend detected.

                  Blue block for 1st blended frame, Red for Second

                2 Show blend detection only as in:-

                  FFF ExBlend a b  ?1RPSHOLIMD

                  FFF shows the frame number

                    a & b show '-' No Blend, '1' 1st Blend, '2' 2nd Blend
                  a & b will usually be the same, 'a' is the used detection, which may
                  have been newly calculated or pre-calculated and stored in a file.
                  'b' is shown as calculated by the metrics, it is possible
                  that this is different from a pre-calculated detection.

                  ? is the MODE flag which may be displayed as '¿' (an upside down question
                  mark) meaning Free running mode 0.
                  A '?', meaning Mode 1, scan and store mode, where ExBlend creates a precalculated
                  data file. '!' displayed means Mode 2, Pre-calculated mode, where it will use
                  data file saved in mode 1.

                  The '1' flag above, represents the DISP (Display) mode setting and can be
                  '0', '1', '2', or '3', (the missing mode '4' is not valid unless MODE 2 and Decimate==true
                  where metrics are different).
                  '0' represents, disp=0, the original blended clip is returned.
                  '1' represents, disp=1, ExBlend default returning an identical pair
                  of unblended frames replacing the blended ones.
                  '2' represents disp=2,  which returns an unblended frame for the first of a blend pair and a
                  copy of the frame following the blend pair for the second blended frame. This is the SRestore
                  compatible mode.
                  '3' Represents disp=3, where the component frames which would be merged together to create the final
                  recovered frame are returned. In the first blend position, the left component frame is returned and the
                  right when in blend index 2 postion. You would not in most cases be interested in this.
                  This setting can be used to view the different return frames using metrics
                  mode to examine what a frame looks like and the metrics reported for that frame.

                    The 'R' (RATIO) flag will be displayed hilited at any time the ratio
                  is not within expected bounds, including during the AUTO PAL detection
                  period (if it was a 25 FPS clip originally) but will disappear once AUTO
                  PAL has switched.

                    The 'P' (PAL) flag indicates that you are in PAL mode. If orange,
                  then  the 'P' flag indicates that the Autopal switch was activated
                  when the Exblend() argument was set to 'pal = -1' (MODE 0 ONLY, auto detect pal).
                    The 'F' (FILM) flag indicates Film, if hilited, means that the Autopal switch
                  was erroneously activated and indicates that you should restart with the argument
                  set to 'pal=0'. the P and F flags share the same position on screen and
                  cannot be set simultaneously.
                  The 'p' (lowercase) flag is shown when 'Auto Detect Pal' is in operation and will
                  switch to either 'P' or 'F' at frame 1500 where PAL is either detected, or not.

                  The 'S' (SEQUENCE) flag will display when ExBlend() falls out of
                  sequence. 1, 2 or HINTED is considered in sequence. 0 is considered out of sequence.
                  If hilited, means that the current frame is where it went out of sequence.

                    The 'H' (HINTED) flag indicates that the frame has been hinted.
                  When Exblend() finds a blended pair, it presets 3 frames on either
                  side of the blend pair to hinted (NOT-BLENDED), or 4 either side if in
                  PAL mode.

                  The 'O' (OVERRIDDEN) flag indicates that the used detection, differs
                  from the metrics blend detection, this is most likely to happen in static
                  scenes where false blend detections are overriden by the hints to be
                  unblended. Will be hi-lited in orange if override not due to hinting.
                  There is no need to be too concerned about a lot of overrides, the hints
                  are intended to allow the detector to be quite zealous in its detections.

                  The 'L' (LOCKED) flag indicates that the (previously EXPERIMENTAL) locking function
                  has locked onto the sequence dispite a blend detection not being found.
                  This filter outputs a list of LOCKED frames which can be viewed using DebugView,
                  or to the logging file.

                  The I (IGNORED) flag is displayed in the case where the 'merge delta'
                  exceeds ithresh. The 'I' flag is in Orange if the current frame is
                  ignored and normal if any frame was ignored (stays on).
                  Extra 'ignored' info is shown when show=5.
                  This filter outputs a list of IGNORED frames which can be viewed using DebugView,
                  or to the logging file.
                    New in 1.02, writes "New Sequence" and "Lost Sequence" debug messages, can view
                  in DebugView or in logging file. If you see several "lost sequence", "new sequence"
                  type messages (in close proximity) in the logs, this is probably down to a false
                  detection following a lost sequence, this is a prime component for the 'override'
                  functionality of v1.02.

                  The 'M' flag denotes a manual override is in effect at the current frame. These
                  are set using the "override" arg to use the override command file.

                  The 'D' flag shows if an unblended frame is reconstructed using the DClip (CompUB)
                  and is hi-lited if adjacent frame also comes from Dclip (CompUB==2).

                    Show == 2, will also show the colored block in the upper LHS of clip.

                3 Show Metrics:-

                  MD x.xxxx x.xxxx x.xxxx x.xxxx
                  FD x.xxxx x.xxxx x.xxxx x.xxxx
                               ^      ^
                               2      1

                  Right one Hi-lighted for 1st detected blend and Left for 2nd, if blend
                  pair detected, MD will be smaller than FD and also smaller than the MD
                  entries on either side. The next frame comes in from the right.
                   'FD' is Frame Delta (difference) and 'MD' Merge Delta. FD is the delta
                  between the frames in the clip, when hi-lited it is the difference
                  between the two frames of the DETECTED blended pair.
                  MD is the difference between the two copies of the unblended component
                  frames (that would be merged together to 'iron out' artifacts for the
                  final recovery frame).
                  The MD:FD comparison detects that it is a blend (MD should be smaller
                  than FD), and the MD to MD on either side comparison detects whether
                  it is in the 1st or 2nd blended pair position. (MD in the hi-lited column
                  should be smaller than those on either side).

                  Show == 3, includes show 1 & 2 metrics.

                4 Show Blend count and ratio

                  BlendPairs =w (max=x)
                  Ratio      =y (z%)

                  Gives a count of detected blend pairs and the ratio of
                  Unblended to BlendPairs. When you have scanned from start to end of the
                  clip (without jumping about or going backwards) 'Ratio' should give a
                  result of 3.xxxx for 24 FPS original and 4.xxxx for 25 FPS original,
                  meaning 3 good frames and 2 blended for 24 FPS or 4 good and 2 blended
                  for 25 FPS.
                  Should only scan forward (Otherwise, BlendPairs & Ratio will
                  be wrong). Following ratio, the percentage of detected blends is displayed,
                  based on the current pal mode, this may give a more humanistic idea as to
                  how well ExBlend() is doing.
                    Following BlendPairs (max=x) is displayed where x is the maximum number of
                  blend pairs that could exist in the clip using the current PAL mode, this
                  will change if AUTO PAL switch is activated. The max value displayed assumes
                  also that the clip stays in sequence throughout, if it does not, the true
                  max value could well vary from that shown and the true percentage of blends
                  found could well be higher or lower than shown, but not by much (small
                  fraction of a percent, probably).
                   Also note, ExBlend() may not detect the first or last blends in a clip due
                  to it needing 3 frames both before and after the current frame to do it's

                  Show == 4, includes show 1 to 3 metrics.

                5 Shows Lock, Sequence, Overridden and Ignored counts as in:-
                  [Default when NOT [MODE==2 and Decimate ==true)]

                  LC=w SC=x OC=y IC=z

                  In addition, if IC is non-zero, then


                  Will be displayed where f1 and f2 indicate frame numbers where the minimum
                  and maximum merge deltas occured that exceeded 'ithresh' and so were
                  ignored. You might want to investigate these frames with current ithresh
                  setting and also with ithresh set to 100.0 (ithresh IGNORE switched OFF).
                    If particularly curious, you might want to set ithresh to 0.0
                  (Ignore everything), do a complete scan and take a look to see what the blend
                  with the worst merge delta looks like, if bad, then lower ithresh a little
                  (tiny weeny bit below y.yyyy). Dont leave ithresh set to 0.0 for the final
                  scan as this will avoid almost all detections.

                   New to v1.02, the 'disp' arg allows return of the original blended frames,
                  or the de-blended frames and so you could say create
                  a stacked display to show both before and after with metrics, also better than
                  the above suggested, changing of ithresh.

                  Seeking to frame zero will reset the statistics. NOTE, if clip Trimmed, then
                  may not ever go to frame zero, and so frame 0 statistics reset may not work.
                  (an offhand example of where this might occur [have not checked this] might be
                  where you script eg "Last.Trim(100,0).Exblend()" so that a new clip never was
                  produced, ExBlend was invoked on a part of a clip, and so frame zero will not
                  be encountered within ExBlend)

                  L=y.yyyy LMX[f]=z.zzzz

                  The above is connected to the lockthresh argument of Exblend().
                  See Lockthresh.

        MODE 2, when Decimate==true: (Defaults OFF, for MODE==2, Decimate==true).

                 show == 0, Off

                 show > 0, show different metrics.

                 as In:-

                 '39 ] Using 48 (* SDDS)'

                 where '39' is the decimated frame number, 48 is the source clip frame, and '(* SDDS)'
                 indicates an unblended frame using the source clip for adjacent frames and the DClip
                 frames for the blended frames.

string ExBfile   Default "ExBlend"
                 ExBlend Project file base name. Used to create any required logging file eg
                 'ExBlend_1.LOG' when used in MODE==1.
                 Also used in creating filename of file to store 'mode' 1 Scan and Store data and to also load data file
                 for mode 2 Pre-calculated mode.
                 Creates (by default) in local directory where AVS file is located.
                 In Mode 1, also creates a Decimated Frames command file, by default, 'ExBlend_Decimated.TXT'
                 for use as a command file giving frame numbers of unblended frames after decimating in MODE==2.

bool ver         true or false, Default False
                 Just shows the version number of ExBlend(), Perhaps other filter writers should
                 consider whether showing version and copyright stuff serves any positive purpose
                 (other than ego boosting) when showing metrics. When ver=true, it will show
                 version info (Also a little ego boosting stuff), without interfering with any
                 important metrics. ALL args are ignored when 'ver==true'.

bool revip       Range false (Off) to true (On), Default false (Off)

                 Reverses the metrics display as in:-

                  MD x.xxxx x.xxxx x.xxxx x.xxxx
                  FD x.xxxx x.xxxx x.xxxx x.xxxx
                               ^      ^
                               1      2

                 It may seem more intuitive to have the first blend appear on the left
                 and the second on the right, but the frames come in from the left.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 19th December 2018 at 00:00.
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Old 18th December 2018, 23:30   #3  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Settings.txt Part 3 of 3 : Post #3 of 6

string Override  Default "", (not set), eg "Override.txt" (New to v1.01)
                 Filename of file to force manual override the blend detections.
                 In v1.03, is only used in MODE=1. Neither Mode 0 nor Mode 2
                 allows a manual override, you must force the override's in mode
                 1, v1.03 extends the override ability and greatly increases it's effectivness.
                 Also, logging will assist in setting up the overrides file.

                 Required command format:-


                 In the above case, frame 444 is set to HINTED, ie Not A Blend. The number
                 after the 'h' denotes the hinted count, in this case 1, eg 444=h2 would
                 set two consecutive hinted frames.

                 555 will be set to a SHORT BLEND PAIR ie (H12H), frame 555 (in this case) will
                 be set to blend index 1, 556 to index 2, and the frames before and after the
                 blend pair to HINTED. NOTE, in this case frame 555 is the 1st BLEND index and
                 NOT the first hinted frame.

                 Frame 666=*4 will set an override at frame 666 to 4 LONG BLEND PAIRS. A long
                 blend is shown (in logs) as (H12HHH) for FILM or (H12HHHH) for PAL. The frame
                 (in this case 666) is the position of the 1st blend index, it will (on only
                 the first LONG BLEND PAIR) be preceded by a hint, and the blend pair followed
                 by 3 or four hints depending upon whether FILM or PAL mode is in effect. As in
                 above case, '666=*4' would yield a result of (H12HHH12HHH12HHH12HHH) if in
                 film mode, or (H12HHHH12HHHH12HHHH12HHHH) in PAL.
                 With metrics shown, the 'M' flag will show where individual manual override 'H'
                 hints were set, or blend index 1 postions of either short or long blend pair
                 overrides (in the 666 example, it will flag the positions of all the 1's
                 within the parenthesis['(' and ')'] ).

                 ExBlend is intended to correct clips that do not stay in sequence, if you have
                 a clip that does stay in sequence (and you are sure of that), you can force
                 ExBlend to stay in sequence too using the manual override command file. If say
                 the first, 1st blend index is at frame 2, you could create a text file containing
                 the manual override command:-


                 Thats it. (you would also need to set correct pal/film mode and such). Here
                 we gave a command to set 1 million LONG BLEND PAIR's, it will cease when
                 it comes to end of clip, and in the logs will tell you how many it actually set.
                 This excessive repetition count will not be considered an error by the override
                 command parser, however, trying to start a new command outside of clip range will
                 be considered an error. Also, NOTE, all manual override commands MUST be in ascending
                 order of frame number, you are NOT permitted to override previously set overrides,
                 some sort of order has to be maintained. As an aid (and byproduct of this strict
                 ordering) the parser can tell you (in logs) where the next permissable command
                 may be set. If trying to set up a manual override command file, use the logs, they
                 are your friend when trying to do this.

int lv           Log file Verbosity. (Default 0, OFF)
                 0=OFF, 1=ERRORS, 2=WARNINGS & ERRORS, 3 INFO & WARNINGS & ERRORS,
                 4=VERBOSE INFO & etc, 5 = DEBUG + VERBOSE etc.

                 lv=4, to show all manual overrides in logs (maybe large logs).

int dv           Log to DebugView window Verbosity.  (Default 0, OFF)
                 0=OFF, 1=ERRORS, 2=WARNINGS & ERRORS, 3 INFO & WARNINGS & ERRORS,
                 4=VERBOSE INFO & etc, 5 = DEBUG + VERBOSE etc.

                 Can use DebugView program to view this log, New in v1.02

                 DebugView available here:-

int disp         Display mode, 0 to 4, Default 1 (DISP_EXBLEND).

                 0=Original Blended input clip.

                 1=ExBlend (default) ie returns two identical copies of deblended frames.

                 2=SRestore, ExBlend Returns unblended frame for 1st blend index, and a duplicate of the frame following
                   the blend pair in the 2nd blend index postion.
                   This is the compatible with what srestore returns, and implemented to better compare ExBlend with same.
                   INVALID in mode 2 when decimate==true.

                 3=Component frames. Returns both of the frames that would be merged to give the final unblended frames,
                   blend index 1 and 2 will return the two component frames.

                 4=Adjacent frames. Only valid in MODE==2 and when Decimate==true.
                   Returns frames adjacent to blends, using CompUB and Decompix args.

clip DClip      Detection clip, (Default None)

                Can use eg a denoised clip for detection instead of source clip.
                IF eg a telecined clip exhibiting combing has been vertically downsized a little, it will still appear
                combed but cannot be inverse telecined, in this case you might like to try a DClip with the Didee suggested

                DClip=blur(0,1.0)       # Vertical Blur lines

                And use that for the detection clip, you might also like to set CompUB to 2.

int CompUB      Component unblend mode  (Default 2, [experimental, may change]).
                Component Unblend Mode for DISP display mode.
                Unblend-ing is achieved in two stages, firstly, two component frames are recoverd, and then the average
                of these two components is used to finally recover the unblended frame. Each of the component frames is
                unblended using a blended frame and also the good frame adjacent to the blended frame.
                CompUB controls which clips are used in reconstruction of the component frames where both Source clip
                and Dclip are provided. If no Dclip is supplied then the source clip is always used (Obviously).

                CompUB ranges from 0 to 2, where, (below assumes a Dclip)

                0 = No frames of Dclip, both blended And blend adjacent frames comes from source clip.
                1 = One Frame comes from Dclip ie the blended frame. The adjacent frame comes from source clip.
                2 = Both blended and adjacent frames come from Dclip.

                An easy way of remembering it is as the number of Dclip frames used in the reconstruction of the Component frames.
                (Info:- The Blend detector always uses the Dclip if supplied ie "DDDD").
                0 == "SSSS", 1 == "SDDS", 2 == "DDDD", where the two middle letters are the blends and outer are adjacent.

bool Decimate   (Default true in MODE==2, INVALID in MODE==0 or MODE==1)
                False, off, No decimation
                True, Decimate output in mode 2, MODE 1 already calculated which frames would be decimated and creates
                a file (default "ExBlend_Decimated.TXT") holding the frame numbers of the unblended frames in the
                MODE 2 decimated clip.

int Decompix   Decimated Component Index, (Only Valid in MODE=2 when Decimate==true, when Default is 1)

               When Decimate is true, (MODE 2 only) the only valid DISP Display modes are 0_DISP_BLENDED, 1_DISP_EXBLEND, 3_DISP_COMPONENT
               and DISP_ADJACENT.
               Decompix Is used in the DISP==0_DISP_BLENDED, DISP==3_DISP_COMPONENT and DISP==4_DISP_ADJACENT, to select which
               frames to return in place of decimated unblended frames.

               0_DISP_BLENDED, using both CompUB and Decompix, you can pull out the blended frame from either blend index 1 or 2,
               and from either the source clip (most usual) or the Dclip if required, using the CompUB arg.
               Might be useful to anyone wanting to do their own advanced un-blending in script, using ExBlend() only as the detector.

               1 DISP_EXBLEND is the usual disp mode and returns a fully unblended frame for each pair of blends. Decompix, not used.

               3 DISP_COMPONENT, returns the component frame for either blend index 1 or blend index 2 (1st or 2nd blend),
                 Decompix specifies which of the 2 blend component frames are returned. Can be used to 'pull out' component
                 frames (1 & 2) from a decimated clip for alternative processing. eg, you could do some kind of denoising on the
                 component frames before blending them together yourself with eg Merge(). You could then replace your denoised
                 and merged frames back into the decimated clip, using eg ClipClop() plugin. ExBlend() does no denoising itself.

               4 DISP_ADJACENT, returns the source 'S' frame adjacent to the Decompix blend index frame.
                 Might be useful to anyone wanting to do their own advanced un-blending in script, using ExBlend() only as the detector.

int DecClpIx   Decimated Clip index (MODE==1, default 1: MODE 0 & 1, IGNORED)

              This setting (-ve to 255 [default 1]), sets the clip index used in the MODE==1 creation of (default) "ExBlend_Decimated.Txt"
              file. This command file is a command file intended for the ClipClop() frame replacement plugin. For ClipClop(), the format
              would be like so:-

              "1 666"

              Where '1' is the clip index number for the replacement clip, and '666' is the frame to replace.
              This could be used like this,

              FixedClip = ClipClop(ExblendedClip,DenoisedExblendedClip,CMD="ExBlend_Decimated.Txt")

              DecClpIx can be used to change the clip index (above=='1') from range 0 to 255 with <0 denoting NONE.

bool Debug    Debug logging (false/true, default false)
              If true, switches on logging to file or DebugView to lv & dv, 1=Errors, 2=Warnings and 5=Debug, this would only
              be used to avoid perhaps the info and Verbose logging. To omit only Verbose, set eg dv=3 (INFO) and Debug=true.
              Will not effect log to file unless lv is non zero, ie just DebugView window.


DebugView here:-

ClipClop() Plugin here:-

Prune() Plugin here:-

        Change log :
                2/Dec/2009 - ver 1.0  - 1st Public Release

                26/Feb/2010 - ver 1.01

                        Changed blend recovery mode to be identical to srestore, Instead of using recovered frame
                        at blend index 2, we now use frame following blended pair so the duplicate is of the frame
                        following blends. Better for compare with srestore.
                        Switched to using DDigit text renderer.

                8/Oct/2010 - ver 1.02b
                        Lockthresh, no longer considered EXPERIMENTAL, defaults to 1.0.
                        Added new arg eg Log="Logfile.Log", default ExBlend.Log.
                        Override commands extended and parser enhanced, assisting messages
                        added to logs.
                        Added lv and dv and disp, args.
                        Added "New Sequence" and "Lost Sequence" and other messages to messages log.
                        Moved flags around.

                        Recompiled using the updated DDigit text renderer with Toolkit 2003 optimizing compiler.

                 15/Feb/2012 - ver 1.03b

                        Added Dclip, Decimate, CompUB, Dcompix, DecClpIx, and Debug args. Added DISP_ADJACENT.
                        Lots of changes. Default back to ExBlend instead of sRestore.

                 18/Dec/2018 - ver 1.04.
                        Moved to VS 2008, added x64. Added v2.60 standard Planar Colorspaces (excl YV411).
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Old 18th December 2018, 23:30   #4  |  Link
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ExBlend_QwikRef.txt Part 1 of 2 : Post #4 of 6

ExBlend() v1.04 QuickRef

YV12, YUY2, PROGRESSIVE Only. EDIT: Plus YV16 YV24 Y8.

Quick OverView, ExBlend() is a plugin to repair damage caused by blend Deinterlacing of telecined clips, which results
in a double blend, every five frames, GGGBBGGGBBGGGBB etc where 'G' is good and 'B' is blend.
Also used for telecined clips that were downsized from 720x480 to VCD 352x240 which look similar to the above mentioned damage.

Exblend(Clip,int "mode",int "pal",float "lockthresh",float "ithresh",int "show",string "ExBfile",bool "ver",bool "revip",
    string "override",int "lv",int "dv",int "disp",clip "Dclip",int "CompUB",bool "Decimate",int "DecompIx",int "DecClpIx",bool "Debug")

Mode 0: Free Running Mode (Deprecated) --------------------------------------------------------------

  Arg         Type      Min      Max     Default      Comment

  clip        clip      clip     clip    NONE         YV12 & YUY2 PROGRESSIVE
  Pal         int       -1       1       0            PAL = -1, ONLY allowed HERE in MODE 0
  LockThresh  float     0.0      100.0   1.0          default rarely needs change.
  IThresh     float     0.0      100.0   3.0          default rarely needs change.
  Show        int       0        5       5            Metrics (0=OFF,5=FULL, either of these two most usual)
  Exbfile     string    -        -       "ExBlend"    Project: (logging Only), 'exbfile'.XBD Not created.
  Ver         bool      False    True    False        ALL ARGS IGNORED if true
  Revip       bool      False    True    False        Reverse Metrics Direction when show > 1
  Override    string    -        -       -            IGNORED (MODE 1 ONLY)
  Lv          int       0        5       0            Logfile: 0=Off, 1=ERR, 2=WARN,3=INFO,4=VERBOSE,5=DEBUG
  Dv          int       0        5       0            DebugView: 0=Off, 1=ERR, 2=WARN,3=INFO,4=VERBOSE,5=DEBUG
  Disp        int       0        3       1            Display mode, 0=BLENDED(original), 1=EXBLEND, 2= SRESTORE, 3=COMPONENT, (4=ADJACENT Invalid)
  DClip       clip      -        -       UNSET        Denoised Detection Clip, Same colorspace & dimensions as Clip.
  CompUB      int       0        2       2            Component Unblend Mode for DISP display mode
  Decimate    bool      -        -       -            IGNORED
  Decompix    int       1        2       1            IGNORED  (MODE 2 decimated ONLY)
  DecClpIx    int       <0       255     1            IGNORED  (MODE 1 ONLY)
  Debug       bool      false    True    False        Switch On: ERRORS, WARNINGS and DEBUG logging (ie 1,2 and 5)
Mode 1: (ExBlend v1.03+ Scan & Store Data, default, Need to do this before using MODE==2) ------------------

  Arg         Type      Min      Max     Default      Comment

  clip        clip      clip     clip    NONE         YV12 & YUY2 PROGRESSIVE
  Pal         int       0        1       0            PAL -1 Not Allowed (Error)
  LockThresh  float     0.0      100.0   1.0          default rarely needs change.
  IThresh     float     0.0      100.0   3.0          default rarely needs change.
  Show        int       0        5       5            Metrics (0=OFF,5=FULL)
  Exbfile     string    -        -       "ExBlend"    Project: logs,'Exbfile'.XBD & Decimated (Mode 2) Frames Cmd file.
  Ver         bool      False    True    False        ALL ARGS IGNORED if true
  Revip       bool      False    True    False        Reverse Metrics Direction when show > 1
  Override    string    -        -       ""           Input Override Command file
  Lv          int       0        5       0            0=Off, 1=ERR, 2=WARN,3=INFO,4=VERBOSE,5=DEBUG (logfile)
  Dv          int       0        5       0            0=Off, 1=ERR, 2=WARN,3=INFO,4=VERBOSE,5=DEBUG (DebugView)
  Disp        int       0        3       1            Display mode, 0=BLENDED(original), 1=EXBLEND, 2= SRESTORE, 3=COMPONENT, (4=ADJACENT Invalid)
  DClip       clip      -        -       UNSET        Denoised Detection Clip, Same colorspace & dimensions as Clip.
  CompUB      int       0        2       2            Component Unblend Mode for DISP display mode
  Decimate    bool      -        -       -            IGNORED  (MODE 2 ONLY)
  Decompix    int       1        2       1            IGNORED  (MODE 2 decimated ONLY)
  DecClpIx    int       <0       255     1            Clip index used in eg Exblend_Decimated.Txt, <0 == NONE.
  Debug       bool      false    True    False        Switch On: ERRORS, WARNINGS and DEBUG logging (ie 1,2 and 5)

Mode 2: (Final Output mode, needs MODE 1 pass 1st.) -------------------------------------------------------------

  Arg         Type      Min      Max     Default      Comment

  clip        clip      clip     clip    NONE         YV12 & YUY2 PROGRESSIVE
  Pal         int       -        -       -            Ignored, Set from 'Exbfile'.XBD
  LockThresh  float     -        -       -            Ignored, Set from 'Exbfile'.XBD
  IThresh     float     -        -       -            Ignored, Set from 'Exbfile'.XBD
  Show        int       0        5       0            Metrics (NON-DECIMATED:0=OFF,5=FULL | DECIMATED:0=OFF,>0 ON) [DEFAULT different to modes 0 & 1]
  Exbfile     string    -        -       "ExBlend"    Project: (logging, Inputs Project Mode 1 XBD file)
  Ver         bool      False    True    False        ALL ARGS IGNORED if true
  Revip       bool      False    True    False        Not used when Decimate (Metrics are different).)
  Override    string    -        -       -            IGNORED, Set in Mode 1
  Lv          int       0        5       0            0=Off, 1=ERR, 2=WARN,3=INFO,4=VERBOSE,5=DEBUG (logfile)
  Dv          int       0        5       0            0=Off, 1=ERR, 2=WARN,3=INFO,4=VERBOSE,5=DEBUG (DebugView)
  Disp        int       0        4       1            If Decimate, 0_BLENDED, 1_EXBLEND, 3_COMPONENT & 4_ADJACENT valid (2_SRESTORE converted to EXBLEND)
  DClip       clip      -        -       UNSET        Usually as Mode 1 (or NONE), Same colorspace as Clip.
  CompUB      int       0        2       2            Component Unblend Mode for DISP display mode
  Decimate    bool      false    True   True    
  Decompix    int       1        2       1            Decimated Component Index. Valid if DECIMATE & disp=0_BLENDED/3_COMPONENT/3_ADJACENT else Ignored.
  DecClpIx    int       <0       255     1            IGNORED (MODE 1 ONLY)
  Debug       bool      false    True    False        Switch On: ERRORS, WARNINGS and DEBUG logging (ie 1,2 and 5)
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Old 18th December 2018, 23:31   #5  |  Link
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ExBlend_QwikRef.txt Part 2 of 2 : Post #5 of 6

To use ExBlend(), you need to do a scan of the clip first using eg:

  ExBlend(clip, Mode=1) # AssumeFPS(250.0)


  ExBlend(clip, Mode=1,dclip=DCLIP) # AssumeFPS(250.0)

  Where DCLIP is a denoised detection clip if required.

  Scan through the file and it will create an ExBlend.XBD file for Mode 2 as in below example.

  ExblendedClip=ExBlend(clip, Mode=2,dclip=DCLIP)

DISP: (Display Mode)
  Controls which frames are returned instead of Blended Frames, using CompUB & Decompix as additional controls.
  Non-Blended frames will ALWAYS return frames from source clip.

  Where 'S' is Source Clip Frame, 'D' is DCLIP Detection clip frame (if supplied Else 'S')

  In 'mode' 0, 1, & 2 (mode 2 when Decimate == False):

    0  DISP_BLENDED       If (CompUB !=0), Returns blended frame from D, else blended frame from S.
    1  DISP_EXBLEND       Blended frames are unblended as for CompUB.
    2  DISP_SRESTORE      1st Blended frame is unblended as for CompUB, 2nd replaced with frame after 2nd blend.
    3  DISP_COMPONENT     Blended frames replaced with COMPONENT frame as for CompUB.

  In 'mode' 2 with Decimate==True: (only DISP 0, 1,3 and 4 valid)

    0  DISP_BLENDED     If (CompUB !=0), Returns BLENDED frame from D, else blended frame from S,
                        further control via Decompix to select 1st or 2nd blend frame of blend pair.
                        You might want to set CompUB to 0 here to return the original blended source frame and
                        not from the DClip.
    1  DISP_EXBLEND     Blended frames are unblended as for CompUB (Same as NOT Decimated).
    3  DISP_COMPONENT   Returns COMPONENT frame as for CompUB, Decompix==1 = 1st Component frame, 2 =2nd.
    4  DISP_ADJACENT    Returns source frame 'S' adjacent to Decompix blend index.
CompUB: (Component Unblend Mode)

  Unblend-ing is achieved in two stages, firstly, two component frames are recoverd, and then the average
  of these two components is used to finally recover the unblended frame. Each of the component frames is
  unblended using a blended frame and also the good frame adjacent to the blended frame. 
  CompUB controls which clips are used in reconstruction of the component frames where both Source clip
  and Dclip are provided. If no Dclip is supplied then the source clip is always used (Obviously).
  CompUB ranges from 0 to 2, where, (below assumes a Dclip)
  0 = No frames of Dclip, both blended And blend adjacent frames comes from source clip.
  1 = One Frame comes from Dclip ie the blended frame. The adjacent frame comes from source clip.
  2 = Both blended and adjacent frames come from Dclip (Default [experimental, may change]).
  An easy way of remembering it is as the number of Dclip frames used in the reconstruction of the Component frames.
  (Info:- The Blend detector always uses the Dclip if supplied ie "DDDD").
  0 == "SSSS", 1 == "SDDS", 2 == "DDDD", where the two middle letters are the blends and outer are adjacent.

Decompix: (Decimated Component Index)
  When Decimate is true, (MODE 2 only) the only valid DISP Display modes are 0_DISP_BLENDED, 1_DISP_EXBLEND, 3_DISP_COMPONENT
  and DISP_ADJACENT (only valid in mode==2 and when Decimate==true).

  0_DISP_BLENDED, using both CompUB and Decompix, you can pull out the blended frame from either blend index 1 or 2,
    and from either the source clip (most usual) or the Dclip if required, using the CompUB arg.
    Might be useful to anyone wanting to do their own advanced un-blending in script, using ExBlend() only as the detector.

  1 DISP_EXBLEND is the usual disp mode and returns a fully unblended frame for each pair of blends.

  3 DISP_COMPONENT, returns the component frame for either blend index 1 or blend index 2 (1st or 2nd blend),
    Decompix specifies which of the 2 blend component frames are returned. Can be used to 'pull out' component
    frames (1 & 2) from a decimated clip for alternative processing. eg, you could do some kind of denoising on the
    component frames before blending them together yourself with eg Merge(). You could then replace your denoised
    and merged frames back into the decimated clip, using eg ClipClop() plugin. ExBlend() does no denoising itself.

  4 DISP_ADJACENT, returns the source 'S' frame adjacent to the Decompix blend index frame.
    Might be useful to anyone wanting to do their own advanced un-blending in script, using ExBlend() only as the detector.
ExbFile: (ExBlend Project File, [default "ExBlend"], Changed function a little in v1.03) 
  The Exbfile project name is used to create log file names (eg "ExBlend_1.LOG", where '_1' represents the active
  MODE at the time).
    In MODE 1 only, it is also used to create eg an "ExBlend.XBD" file which totally replaces
  any detection stage in MODE 2 and all of the info required to Decimate in Mode 2 is contained in the XBD file.
  Mode 1, also creates an eg "ExBlend_Decimated.TXT", which is a command file for use in a range/frame replacement
  plugin. [eg ClipClop()], This "ExBlend_Decimated.TXT" is a file containing frame numbers that can be used to select
  MODE 2 decimated output blend recovered frames.  
  In Mode 2, you can choose to not Decimate, in which case it would be as previous versions of ExBlend and require
  later Decimation using your favorite Decimator. Or, you can Decimate if you choose, you can process the
  Decimated output of ExBlend 1_DISP_EXBLEND using your favorite Motion Compensated denoiser, and feed the original
  ExBlend output and the denoised output into ClipClop, using the ExBlend_Decimated.TXT command file to replace the
  ExBlend recovered un-blended frames with the denoised ones, and NOT requiring yet another pass. Pass 1 to generate
  the XBD and decimated frames file and Pass 2 to unblend, decimate, motion compensated denoise and replace back
  into the ExBlended clip again.

DecClpIx: (Decimated Clip Index, MODE 1 Only)
  This setting (-ve to 255 [default 1]), sets the clip index used in the MODE==1 creation of (default) "ExBlend_Decimated.Txt"
  file. This command file is a command file intended for the ClipClop() frame replacement plugin. For ClipClop(), the format
  would be like so:-

  "1 666"

  Where '1' is the clip index number for the replacement clip, and '666' is the frame to replace.
  This could be used like this,

  FixedClip = ClipClop(ExblendedClip,DenoisedExblendedClip,CMD="ExBlend_Decimated.Txt")

  In the above, 'ExblendedClip' would be clip 0, and 'DenoisedExblendedClip' clip 1, it would replace the cleaned up frames
  back into the deblended clip after eg post Exblend recovery denoising (eg MCDegrain).
  You could also use the Prune() plugin to view ONLY the unblended Denoised frames, Prune requires clip index's starting at 0
  BUT, the below should work OK.

  FixedFramesOnlyClip = Prune(FixedClip,FixedClip,CMD="ExBlend_Decimated.Txt")


  FixedFramesOnlyClip = Prune(DenoisedExblendedClip,DenoisedExblendedClip,CMD="ExBlend_Decimated.Txt")

  without putting them back into the ExblendedClip clip first.

  As Prune()'s clips index starts at zero, we used the input clip name twice so we can use clip 1 (2nd FixedClip) to match 
  the command file.

  To view just the ExBlended frames (without denoise) eg:


  To extract the two component clips recovered frames only, and view them side by side

  COMPUB=2 # you choose


  To extract the two component recovered frames, denoise them, merge together put back into ExBlended decimated clip.

  COMPUB=2 # you choose

  #Return StackHorizontal(C1,C2)

  Combine = Merge(C1,C2) # Repaired. Average of the two denoised component frame clips.


  As an alternative to using double clip names in Prune, you can change the default clip index in the "ExBlend_Decimated.Txt" (Decimated Frames file)
  so that Prune or some other alternative could be used with another clip index, a -ve "DecClpIx" will miss out the clip index altogether,
  but you would then have to use another frame replacement plugin alternative to ClipCLop() (Whose index needs to be 1).

Together, Disp, Decimate, CompUB, Decompix, and eg ExBlend_Decimated.Txt allows ExBlend() to expose both 
of the component frames (Decompix) fashioned with the desired CompUB method, after eg Motion compensated
processing, merged together to create the finally recovered frame, this result would then be fed back into
either one of the two ExBlend unblended component clips via ClipClop() and the ExBlend_Decimated.Txt command file. 

Advanced scriptors may wish to extract the clips containing the blended frames and adjacent frames for both blend index
1 and blend index 2 and do some clever masking and such to recover the unblended frames themselves.


DebugView here:-

ClipClop() Plugin here:-

Prune() Plugin here:-
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Old 18th December 2018, 23:31   #6  |  Link
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Post #6 of 6.

Here from an example clip courtesy of JohnMeyer from his thread here:-

The clip in question is 3:2 pulldown that has been resized as if progressive.

See Here for extended use demo to fix above(in old thread):- https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.p...46#post1558846
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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

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Old 20th December 2018, 19:14   #7  |  Link
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I just finished the test encode of my screwed up Dream Theater Blu-ray and you know what? It's perfect! I muxed it to mkv and checked many places and everything seems fine. I really thought that there was no saving that one, but I guess it was tricky enough to challenge the scripters

So, thanks a lot and have a Merry Christmas
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the Moon...
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Old 20th December 2018, 20:52   #8  |  Link
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Boulder problem here:- https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.p...19#post1859719

Just curious, did you need blur?
Also, were there left over blends [EDIT: I mean dupes] as in SRestore, and if so did you need DropDeadGorgeous ?

Glad you got it sorted, and a very merry xmas to you too sir

EDIT: Had connection problem, double post removed.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

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Old 21st December 2018, 06:44   #9  |  Link
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Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
Just curious, did you need blur?
Also, were there left over blends [EDIT: I mean dupes] as in SRestore, and if so did you need DropDeadGorgeous ?
I didn't check the result frame-by-frame, I just watched it play with the normal framerate. The difficult sections like some crossfades seemed ok and longer pans also didn't have any jerkiness. I used the basic script you gave me to try so blur was being used.
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
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Old 21st December 2018, 08:50   #10  |  Link
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Ok, thanx.
The script with SHARP=0.333 was just demo to show SHARP use and more a wild guess than anything, default sharp in McDegrainSharp is I think about 0.6,
thought that might be too much.

I can feel Hanfruns itching to post some time soon, have a guddun.
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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???
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Old 15th March 2019, 09:17   #11  |  Link
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I have a new clip with some restoration needed:


I tried figuring out a pattern and it looks like 4 good frames, 2 blended ones. Then if you look closer, it looks more like 3 good frames and 3 blended ones where the middle one is a real blended mess and the surrounding frames much less so The standard settings don't seem to work properly because of that.
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
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Old 15th March 2019, 11:03   #12  |  Link
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Sorry, cant help with triple blends, good luck in your endeavour.
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Old 15th March 2019, 11:14   #13  |  Link
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Thanks for the confirmation so I won't try hitting my head against the wall with ExDeblend I'll post in the SRestore thread, maybe someone has some ideas.
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Old 15th March 2019, 11:24   #14  |  Link
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Thought I might include this, its in the source folder for coders, but might assist a little for those trying to figure out what it does.

[EDIT: Below MD_??_?? is the difference between two potentially unblended 'component' pixels when merged together for final unblended pixel.
eg MD_10_23 and FD_12 etc are the names of actual variables in the source code. FD_12 etc are the actual differences between adjacent frame pixels in blended clip.]
We use the same names pre-prended with "W_" as per frame weighted [0.0 -> 100.0%] variable names.
                                ExBlend [ FindBlend() ]

                  Rough description of ExBlend() blend detection

       --------              --------           --------               --------
      |MD_10_23|            |MD_21_34|         |MD_32_45|             |MD_43_56|
      |        |            |        |         |        |             |        |
      |        |            |        |         |        |             |        |
      |--------|            |--------|         |--------|             |--------|
      |        |            |        |         |        |             |        |
     _|        |\          _|        |____     |        |____         |        |
    | \        | \        /|             |\    |        |    |       /|        |
    |  \       \  \      / |             | \  /|        |    |      / |        |
    |   \       \  \    /  |             |  \/ |        /    |     /  |        |
    |    \       \  \_ /__ |_________    |  /\/________/_____|____/ __|       /|
    |     \       \__ /_   |      ___\___|_/ //       /  ____|_____/ ________/ |
 --------  \ --------/  \--|-----/   -\--|--// \-----/--/   -|------/  --------/
|Frame_0 |  |Frame_1 |  |Frame_2 |  |Frame_3 | |Frame_4 |  |Frame_5 | |Frame_6 |
|        |  |        |  |        |  | Current| |        |  |        | |        |
| in_n-3 |  | in_n-2 |  | in_n-1 |  | in_n   | | in_n+1 |  | in_n+2 | | in_n+3 |
|   p0   |  |   p1   |  |   p2   |  |   p3   | |   p4   |  |    p5  | |    p6  |
 --------    --------    --------    --------   --------    --------   --------
                   |     |     |     |     |      |    |      |
                   |     |     |     |     |      |    |      |
                  --------    --------     --------    --------
Metrics display->| FD_12  |  | FD_23  |   | FD_34  |  | FD_45  |<-Metrics display
     ONLY        |        |  |        |   |        |  |        |       ONLY
                 |        |  |        |   |        |  |        |
                  --------    --------     --------    --------

PER PIXEL VARIABLES:- (at current x,y postion in frame)
px = Pixel Luma from Frame_x (x = 0 to 6).
FD_ab = abs(pa - pb)        Delta between adj frames[a & b] pixels
UP_ab = (pa * 2) - pb;
    Pixel, unblended from 2 frames, two of these are later merged to recover
    original frame. These are the inputs to MD_ab_cd and are not shown above
    as it just makes it look confusing (I tried it), but each pair of lines
    into MD_ab_cd can be thought of as UP_ab.
    The ordering of the frame numbers (a,b) IS IMPORTANT and can be gotten from
    the description of MD_ab_cd
MD_ab_cd = abs(UP_ab - UP_cd)
    Merge Delta, between component pixels of the potentially recovered
    (unblended) pixel. If we find a blended pair of frames and at the current
    frame position we have the first blended frame, then current frame in_n
    (frame_3) will be replaced with a recovered frame the equivalent unblended
    pixels of MD_32_45 and the second blended frame in_n+1 (frame_4) also will
    be filled with the same content when the next frame is requested,
    (after doing all this again), however, next time around, in_n will be the
    second blended frame as the contents of everything would have shifted left
    by 1 frame, and so, MD_32_45 will NO LONGER be the recovered frame, it will
    now be MD_21_34. When the recovered frame is finally rendered it will go
    sort of like:-
        RecoveredPixel = (UP_ab + UP_cd + 1) / 2; (for luma)
WEIGHTINGS:- (float)
    Accumulated weighting for pixels; Obviously clear to zero at beginning.
W_MD_ab_cd += MD_ab_cd;
W_FD_ab    += FD_ab;
    Final scaling of measurements for whole frames before deciding if blended.
float mx = (vi.width * vi.height) * 255.0;
    For scaling weighting into more managable & meaningful numbers.

W_MD_ab_cd = W_MD_ab_cd * 100.0 / mx;
W_UP_ab    = W_UP_ab    * 100.0 / mx;
W_FD_ab    = W_FD_ab    * 100.0 / mx;

If ((W_MD_32_45 < W_MD_21_34) && (W_MD_32_45 < W_MD_43_56))
    // then, is possible 1st of pair of blends
    if (W_MD_32_45 < W_FD_34)
        // then IS 1st blend index
else If ((W_MD_21_34 < W_MD_10_23) && (W_MD_21_34 < W_MD_32_45))
    // then is possible 2nd of pair of blends
    if (W_MD_21_34 < W_FD_23)
        // then IS 2nd blend index
    // Is NOT a blend
Also this in there too (identities.txt).
EDIT: After staring at below gobble-de-gook for a while, added the stuff in blue [will be modded as below in next release].
Below written to assist understanding of how the screwed up clip was created, and is from point of view of the pre-blended clip.

The 'IN' (ie W,X,Y,Z) are frames before the bad blends were created, and 'OUT' is the resultant bad blending sequence that need be fixed,
C and D are the blended pair, and Y is the missing frame that is partially present in both C and D blended pair.
[Missing Y frame is the one that needs recovering].

IN  W  X    Y    Z      # Pre blended frames.
    |  | \  /\  /|
OUT A  B  C   D  E      # Bad frames that we have to deal with.

A = W
B = X
C = (X + Y) / 2     : X = 2C - Y : B = 2C - Y   : Y = 2C - X : Y = 2C - B
D = (Y + Z) / 2     : Y = 2D - Z : Y = 2D - E   : Z = 2D - Y : E = 2D - Y
E = Z

FD_CD   = | ((X + Y) / 2) - ((Y + Z) / 2) |   == | ((X + Y - Y - Z) / 2) |                    == | (X - Z) / 2 |
                                                                                              == | (B - E) / 2 |
                                                                                              == | B - E | / 2

FD_BC   = | X - ((X + Y) / 2) |               == | (2X - (X + Y)) /2 | == |(2X - X - Y)/2|    == | (X - Y) / 2 |
                                                                                              == | (B - Y) / 2 |
                                                                                              == | B - Y | / 2

FD_DE   = | ((Y + Z) / 2) - Z |               == | (Y + Z - 2Z) / 2 |                         == | (Y - Z) / 2 |
                                                                                              == | (Y - E) / 2 |
                                                                                              == | Y - E | / 2
# Above FD_nm is expected Frame Difference between frames n and m.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 16th March 2019 at 01:22.
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Old 20th March 2019, 15:18   #15  |  Link
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Hi StainlessS,
I think your plugin could help me fix a problem with Sliders DVD. I tried using it but I didn't get good results. Maybe you could take a look?
This is the problem:
And this is original file:
And this is my AviSynth script which didn't fix the problem:
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Old 20th March 2019, 20:14   #16  |  Link
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ExBlend not intended for your kind of blending, sorry.
I sometimes post sober.
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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???
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Old 23rd January 2021, 16:34   #17  |  Link
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Hey! I'm getting an error that says "ExBlend ERROR, Mode 2 XBD, Cannot open XBD file," but how do I scan the clip using StaxRip?


Last edited by Blackout_Out; 23rd January 2021 at 16:36.
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Old 24th January 2021, 01:14   #18  |  Link
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Maybe best to ask in staxRip thread, I aint ever used it.
I sometimes post sober.
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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???
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Old 24th January 2021, 04:12   #19  |  Link
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Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
Maybe best to ask in staxRip thread, I aint ever used it.
Fair enough, thank you!
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Old 24th January 2021, 19:12   #20  |  Link
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Not sure but I seem to remember that XBD path is a bit broken on Vista+ (or maybe W7+),
default XBD directory is I think "C:\", but OS dont allow to be written there so does not exist, need give
either full path or eg ".\MyFile.xbd" for current directory relative, for both Mode=1 and 2.
Hope that helps.
[Above from memory, could be wrong]
EDIT: Also, you need do Mode=1 scan before Mode=2 pass.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 25th January 2021 at 00:29.
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