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Old 12th March 2010, 00:16   #7261  |  Link
Dark Shikari
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Originally Posted by MikeyBK View Post
Hey has anyone else been experiencing random and occasional pixelations in BDs encoded with BDRebuilder ever since version 32.05?
Up until that version all of my movie only BD-9s have encoded perfectly. But every BD-9 from that version on is ending up with random, occasional pixelations of differing length and severity.

I'm just trying to see if it's related to my PC alone of an others are experiencing similar things. My system is running Win7 64 bit
Can you post a small output sample?
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Old 12th March 2010, 00:38   #7262  |  Link
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I'm having trouble with 'Jennifer's Body' (full backup). There are 2 versions on the disc, theatrical and extended, both of which are made up of scores of seamless branching m2ts's.

With 'Quicker encode for extras' enabled, some of these m2ts files are getting processed as if they are extras (i.e 1 pass).


P.S forgot to mention this is with 0.32.08.

Last edited by iSeries; 12th March 2010 at 10:06.
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Old 12th March 2010, 04:55   #7263  |  Link
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I'm doing tests with the players in the BD pc not working at the Coral Win Dvd not work on the PS3 but if your Power Dvd
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Old 12th March 2010, 10:57   #7264  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Dark Shikari View Post
Can you post a small output sample?
Sorry I didn't respond sooner but I was out golfing and then having dinner with my buds... anyways, it is starting to look as if it's my system.
I am starting to suspect that my overclocking is becoming unstable (Q9550 @ 3.4 GHz), and have throttled it back to default (2.8 GHz), to see if that corrects things.... will let you and JD know if that's what was the culprit, which it is appearing to be...thanks
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Old 12th March 2010, 20:35   #7265  |  Link
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Please, I could use a little help here. I do not know exactly what is occurring, but the audio encode keeps going away. When I noticed that BDRB was no longer doing the audio encode, I re-installed everything using latest version of BDRB and the other programs from the first page of this thread. I was able to then backup a couple discs with the audio encode functioning. Then it went back to not doing the audio encode (leaving me with no sound). I suspect that another pgm is messing with this, but I am not sure which one, or even if my suspicion is correct. Is there a way to check that the audio is correctly set up for BDRB, and which pgm would it be - ffdshow audio config? I need to verify this before backing up until I find the pgm that is messing with this as otherwise, I get all the way thru the second pass with BDRB only to find out it just skips over the audio encode. Thank you.
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Old 12th March 2010, 22:26   #7266  |  Link
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I have now confirmed that it is my system that was causing my issues, so please disregard my inquiry about versions 32.05 and above, they are doing just fine. My system just got a bit dusty and was causing voltage fluctuations when I had it OC'ing @ 3.4 GHz.... Thanks to both of you for x264 and BDRebuilder...Cheers.
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Old 13th March 2010, 02:14   #7267  |  Link
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Originally Posted by MikeyBK View Post
I have now confirmed that it is my system that was causing my issues, so please disregard my inquiry about versions 32.05 and above, they are doing just fine. My system just got a bit dusty and was causing voltage fluctuations when I had it OC'ing @ 3.4 GHz.... Thanks to both of you for x264 and BDRebuilder...Cheers.
I too have had some OC related problems, but only on this, my first use of 32.05; x264 has now crashed 3 times consecutively as I tweaked the OC settings back toward stability.
I can not explain the exact cause - Absolutely nothing else in the system has changed (other than the current version of AnydvdHD). I am downloading 32.08 now and will try it at the current, and then the former, higher, settings.
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Old 13th March 2010, 04:10   #7268  |  Link
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A small note:

Remember that when you're overclocking a processor you not only have to pay attention to cooling and voltage, you also have to pay attention to the North Bridge (memory controller hub) and the actual RAM itself since they are overclocked as well. I have a Q9550 E0 Stepping that's been overclocked to 3.6 GHz for over a year and not a single BD RB error to report. The processor can be pushed to 3.8 GHz and appear to be running stable. Once I've found that point high point I then begin to back it down to reduce voltage settings and heat to insure maximum stability.

Since I started using DVD Rebuilder back in 2004 I've come across overclocking issues so many times in forums that it is one of the first areas that I question. I'm all for overclocking but if you're going to do it make certain that you've checked every part on your computer that's affected by it, and insure that they're all in working order before involving others on what could be a wild goose chase.
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Old 13th March 2010, 08:27   #7269  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Priapismic View Post
I too have had some OC related problems, but only on this, my first use of 32.05; x264 has now crashed 3 times consecutively as I tweaked the OC settings back toward stability.
I can not explain the exact cause - Absolutely nothing else in the system has changed (other than the current version of AnydvdHD). I am downloading 32.08 now and will try it at the current, and then the former, higher, settings.
I've not had any sort of crashing, just that I was getting some of the recent BD-9s coming out with some pixelating on them. At first I thought it was during the encoding, suspecting that my OC'ing was becoming unstable because I had let my system get a little dusty inside... but I have since narrow it down to the actual rips of the original Blurays, so I am now taking a look at my BD drive (reflashed it's firmware) or the latest AnyDVD-HDs (but then I'd hear about the same issues for others at the Slysoft forums.)

So it appears it has nothing to do with either my overclocking, nor BDRebuilder and x264... more like the drive.

Originally Posted by Sophocles View Post
A small note:

Remember that when you're overclocking a processor you not only have to pay attention to cooling and voltage, you also have to pay attention to the North Bridge (memory controller hub) and the actual RAM itself since they are overclocked as well. I have a Q9550 E0 Stepping that's been overclocked to 3.6 GHz for over a year and not a single BD RB error to report. The processor can be pushed to 3.8 GHz and appear to be running stable. Once I've found that point high point I then begin to back it down to reduce voltage settings and heat to insure maximum stability.

Since I started using DVD Rebuilder back in 2004 I've come across overclocking issues so many times in forums that it is one of the first areas that I question. I'm all for overclocking but if you're going to do it make certain that you've checked every part on your computer that's affected by it, and insure that they're all in working order before involving others on what could be a wild goose chase.
For someone that is said to have OC'ed for over a year, I'm surprised that you'd mention such no-brainer type things like that.... I wouldn't have been able to OC my Q9550 even to 3.4 GHz if I wasn't controlling all aspects of OC'ing. I've had my Q9550 as high as 4.0 stable, so it's not like I just increased the clock speed and said 'voila', I'm overclocking...lmao.
I just got caught off guard since I noticed a few BD-9s having the pixelating, and then noticed some odd fluctuations in my voltages.. just coincidental though. I have now noticed some of that pixelating in the rips themselves. I have re-ripped those Blurays again and will see how it goes.

But I also did report back to emphasize that it was 'not' x264 nor BDRebuilder.
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Old 13th March 2010, 13:03   #7270  |  Link
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I've not had any sort of crashing, just that I was getting some of the recent BD-9s coming out with some pixelating on them.
I wouldn't have been able to OC my Q9550 even to 3.4 GHz if I wasn't controlling all aspects of OC'ing.
That depends on which stepping your Q9550 is. An EO stepping revision can hit much higher numbers than a C1 stepping can. If you want to know more just send me a PM and I'll discuss it with you outside this thread to keep it on topic. I just wanted to make that point for novice overclockers to read and take that into consideration as a means of diagnosing a problem before asking for help.

So it appears it has nothing to do with either my overclocking, nor BDRebuilder and x264... more like the drive.
It doesn't mean that at all. Crashing is just one possibility but pixelation can also be caused by pushing a processor too hot or too far.

For someone that is said to have OC'ed for over a year, I'm surprised that you'd mention such no-brainer type things like that.... I wouldn't have been able to OC my Q9550 even to 3.4 GHz if I wasn't controlling all aspects of OC'ing.
Not true at all. Probably the vast majority of currently working overclocks are badly done and waiting to fail or are producing errors just as yours may have done. I've been overclocking since I purchased a P5 160 Mhz processor and I still find the occasional error before I call it stable. Like many I used to run my processor as high as I could get it, stability test it with whatever means is available, and assume every thing is fine. It wasn't until years later when it became possible to backup video that genuine errors began to pop-up. Overtime I learned that's it's better to always reserve a little for extra headroom.
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Old 13th March 2010, 20:57   #7271  |  Link
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You need to drop this unassociated topic from JD's bugs thread.... I asked if others were experiencing similar things or not, and once I found the source of the issue as not being associated with the latest versions of BDRebuilder, I acknowledged so and was dropping it...
Never did I ask you for help overclocking, I've been doing it for a hell of a lot longer than your one year, and there is no issues with overheating of my CPU because my system is liquid cooled.... I just jumped the gun since I noticed some weird voltage fluctuations, which ended up just being me over-reacting...

So let's just drop it...thanks
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Old 14th March 2010, 11:33   #7272  |  Link
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Problem Matrix Reloaded: The audio stream for a secondary video is placed to the normal audio streams (PID 1A00 -> 1102). TotalMedia Theatre has problems with audio playback. Is it possible to leave the PIDs untouched and to just remove the unwanted streams? Or is it a tsmuxer problem?
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Old 14th March 2010, 13:18   #7273  |  Link
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I have got a little problem in BD-Rebuilder. I've used it in Windows 7x64 RC1 long time without that problem. Since I've installed (no upgrade) the RTM of Win7 x64, BD Rebuilder rebuilds as it should, but the small Icons in the stream tab are missing, so that I don't see what tracks are selected or not:

What did I wrong?
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Old 14th March 2010, 15:43   #7274  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Data24 View Post
Problem Matrix Reloaded: The audio stream for a secondary video is placed to the normal audio streams (PID 1A00 -> 1102). TotalMedia Theatre has problems with audio playback. Is it possible to leave the PIDs untouched and to just remove the unwanted streams? Or is it a tsmuxer problem?
TSMUXER assigns stream IDs. It does them sequentially -- so if any are removed or muxed, some have to be reassigned. I could scan the M2TS and change it, but since I didn't get any details in your report -- I can't make an educated guess as to whether that would even help.
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Old 14th March 2010, 15:53   #7275  |  Link
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Originally Posted by KarstenS View Post
I have got a little problem in BD-Rebuilder. I've used it in Windows 7x64 RC1 long time without that problem. Since I've installed (no upgrade) the RTM of Win7 x64, BD Rebuilder rebuilds as it should, but the small Icons in the stream tab are missing, so that I don't see what tracks are selected or not:

[posted image]

What did I wrong?
Now that's really wierd. Have you somehow replaced the version of MSCOMCTL.OCX on your system? It is used for the treeview... you might try right clicking on "REG_MSCOMCTL.BAT" (in the BD-RB folder) and running it as administrator to register the one included with BD-RB.
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Old 14th March 2010, 16:07   #7276  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Data24 View Post
Problem Matrix Reloaded: The audio stream for a secondary video is placed to the normal audio streams (PID 1A00 -> 1102). TotalMedia Theatre has problems with audio playback. Is it possible to leave the PIDs untouched and to just remove the unwanted streams? Or is it a tsmuxer problem?
I can confirm that TMT3 does have a problem playing back the secondary audio for all three Matrix movies. PowerDVD, if an image is created and mounted, does playback the secondary audio without issue. Also, my Sony S360 standalone plays it back correctly, if you have the audio setup to "Mixed" rather than "Direct".
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Old 14th March 2010, 16:35   #7277  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jdobbs View Post
Now that's really wierd. Have you somehow replaced the version of MSCOMCTL.OCX on your system? It is used for the treeview... you might try right clicking on "REG_MSCOMCTL.BAT" (in the BD-RB folder) and running it as administrator to register the one included with BD-RB.
I got it.

I hat some trouble with registering. When I start that script by using rightclick and "Run as administrator", the path of execution is C:\Windows\System32. As the file was not there, I got an error message. Then I copied the file to that path. Started the scrip again. Same error. Then I remembered, that the "32" in the Name "System32" is wrong, as there are the x64 files stored. The x86 files are really stored in ... attention ... "SysWOW64". So I copied it and the script to this path, opened a console with admin rights, went to this folder and executed. Success message appeared. But in BD-Rebuilder the icons did left. I opened an admin console again, went to bd-rebulder folder and executed the script. Success message. But icons still not there. Now I did delete the files in System32 and SysWOW64 folder. No change.

Now I did open an admin console again, went to bd-rebuilder folder and did unregister the OCX file with "regsvr32 /u MSCOMCTL.OCX". After that I entered the register code and now the icons are back again.
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Old 14th March 2010, 19:39   #7278  |  Link
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i getting this error with x264,when rebuilder starts the second pass . ...X264 crashes/freeze under win7 ..

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Old 14th March 2010, 20:53   #7279  |  Link
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How to use BD Rebuilder

Originally Posted by RichardB View Post
I'm a little confused, sorry...

Under THE_DARK_KIGHT source folder contains the folder:
If I open CERTIFICATE I get a bunch of small files and two folders:

Do I drag the entire CERTIFICATE folder over, or just the BDMV folder, or any other combination / permutation?

Also, what is udf 2.5 and how do I make sure it is activated?

Howzit RichardB and all you newbies. I understand your pain. Hope this helps (you may want to copy & paste this to wordpad):

1) ALWAYS use jdobbs as your primary "how to" guide.

BD Rebuilder as quoted by jdobbs:

"In order to make this work, you have to first install some other packages. I recommend you use the versions linked below, as sometimes new version changes can cause unexpected issues. Here's what you need to do:

1. Download and install FFDSHOW and the Matroska Splitter. They are required for BD-RB to work and are free. After the install, run "Video Decoder Configuration" for FFDSHOW from the "START/Programs" menu, and make sure MPEG2 decoding is enabled.

2. Download and install AVISYNTH 2.57. If you are a DVD-RB user, it is compatible, so no worry. It is required for BD Rebuilder to work. AVISYNTH v2.57 can be downloaded from http://www.jdobbs.net/freeware/Avisynth_257.exe or from http://www.avisynth.org.

3. Unzip the BD-RB.zip file. Put it in a directory of its own. I'd recommend putting it somewhere other than "C:\Program Files" until it has been tested more (because of Vista and Win 7 virtualization).

4. It is highly recommended that you also download and install IMGBURN (see http://www.imgburn.com) on your system. You can actually burn with any software you desire (that supports UDF 2.50), but BD-RB recognizes IMGBURN and does the burn for you.

5. Read the LICENSE.TXT file found in the BD-RB directory. If you don't agree with the license. Don't use it.

6. Please don't post questions or comments on DECRYPTION or ripping methods. I have to assume you know how to do that or you wouldn't be a beta tester. I also make the assumption that you will comply with applicable laws... I don't want to get in the middle of any of that.

7. If you decide to write to dual layer DVDs (BD-9/DVD-9), use ONLY HIGH QUALITY DUAL LAYER DISCS. I have found numerous cases where the same image works flawlessly with a quality (e.g. Verbatim) disc and fails (hangs) on a cheap one.

8. Recommended for Windows XP only: Download and install WMV11 from Microsoft, and set VC-1 decoding to "disabled" in FFDSHOW (allowing the WMV11 codec to be used). This seems to be the codec with the fewest problem on VC-1. For Vista or Windows 7 -- select "wmv9"

9. Please DO NOT replace the versions of software included in the BD-RB ZIP with other versions (e.g. replacing the 32 bit X264 with a 64 bit version). In doing so you are very likely creating a self-inflicted injury that will not be addressed as a bug.

How to use BD Rebuilder:

1. Please note: This is NOT A DECRYPTER. It is a BD Reencoder and reauthoring package. If you are planning to back up discs that are encoded or copy protected using other software (such as AnyDVD) -- that is a decision you are making independently of BD-RB and it is assumed you are staying within the laws applicable to you. BD-RB is meant as a means of backing up copies of discs THAT YOU OWN. It is NOT meant to be used as a means for copyright infringement.

2. Either copy the disc to be backed up to your hard drive or read it from the original. You will find that BD Rebuilder will work faster from a hard drive.

3. Create a working directory somewhere in your file structure. I use a folder called "D:\WORKING".

4. Run BD Rebuilder. Select the source directory (the one containing the BDMV folder). Also select the WORKING directory.

5. Click on "BACKUP". Then find something else to do... because this is going to TAKE A LONG TIME. My system usually backs up a disc in about 12-16 hours. So you may want to consider running it overnight. Your experience will differ depending upon your computer's CPU and disc speeds. Why does it take so long? Because you are encoding at very high resolutions -- and they require a lot of work. Also, BD-RB hasn't been optimized for speed as yet... but in truth the real speed improvements will have to come with updates to X264 and faster processors.

6. After running you will find a directory in the WORKING directory that has been created. It will be named based upon the source. You must write this directory to a blank disc using UDF 2.50 format. If you have IMGBURN installed on your system, you can burn it from the FILE menu of BD-RB. Alternatively you can select "Auto-burn to Disc" from the SETTINGS/OPTIONS menu (and IMGBURN is installed on your system) and the disc will be burned automatically by BD-RB.

7. How good will it look? My experience is that rebuilding to a dual-layer DVD+R results in a backup that is virtually indistinguishable to the original. DVD-5's will work fine for movie-only encodes... and some full discs. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is very subjective. My advice is to try it and see.

I have done only limited testing on this program and all in a fairly pristine environment. My playback tests have all been on my SONY BDP-S301 and BDP-S360 standalone unit and a 50" SONY LCD television. I burn using IMGBURN on a SONY BWU-200S Internal BD Burner (which also supports DVD+-R)."

I am having great success with BD-RB. It works fantastic thanks to jdobbs and everyone that has contributed to this thread.

2) Use the programs that are linked on the first post of this thread:
BD-RB v0.32.08
FFDShow 3133
Hali splitter
AVISynth 2.57

3) Also go to FFDShow open Video Decoder Configuration and use these settings:
H.264/AVC = libavcodec
MPEG2 = libavcodec
VC-1 = disabled (with wmp11 installed) wmv9 (for windows 7)

Do not use versions of these programs or x.264 from any other links or web sites. Do not install any other codecs on the pc that is running BD-RB. If you do BD-RB may not work. Remember this is a beta test and for that you must create a beta test environment on you computer. Also you must follow jdobbs instructions to the letter and post sensible bug reports in order to help him perfect this program.

4) Finally, you can use the following illustrated 33 page .pdf guide as a secondary "how to" guide:



Start with page 27 for illustrated step-by-step instructions on how to burn the files, created by BD Rebuilder, with ImgBurn.


Last edited by steveg32; 14th March 2010 at 23:06. Reason: Original link to pdf did not work.
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Old 14th March 2010, 22:22   #7280  |  Link
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Missing forced Captions


I don't know if this has been covered before but I cant find it and since it is still happening with latest version I suspect its a bug.

In a nutshell there are missing subtitles in both "movie only" and "Full backup" processes.

Read on for full explanation:-

Your watching a bluray in English with no actual subtitles turned on. During the movie someone speaks a foreign language and the subtitle pops up for this in English.

This is most common in star trek movies where klingon is spoken or in "The Bourne Ultimatum" where Russians speak in the early part of the movie. I believe these are called "forced captions"

After processing with BD Rebuilder these captions are gone. I have tried lots of different options and setting but cannot see these captions.
Just as a note Clown_BD has the same problem.

These captions are often short and you may not notice they are missing but is every option I have tried they are gone.

As I am using BD Rebuilder for full backup purposes it is necessary to have these subtitle captions.

Any ideas or have I completely lost the plot.

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